RNY, looking for others to chat with.

I would like to introduce myself. I'm 58 years old, single, and a mother of 39 & 37 year old sons, as well as a 7 1/2 year old daughter, in addition to a 17 and 1 year old granddaughters. It is my beautiful, precious daughter that has inspired me to decide that I wanted truly live, and with that I wanted to be healthy. I want to make sure she has an example in me to follow, to be healthy, to treat herself with love and kindness, to follow her dreams, to respect herself, and to know how to live good. I can tell her those things till I run out of breath, but to show her and teach her will be much more effective. She has so turned my life around.

I just had RNY surgery on December 8th, 2015. Still, weight loss isn't all that easy like some make it out to be. At least not for me. I also refuse to just sit back and do nothing to contribute to my journey to health. I'm disabled and have been in a wheel chair for over 10 years but I'm determined to get out of it. Most of the reasons I'm in it to begin with is because of severe neuropathy in my legs and severe fibromyalgia. Sometimes the pain is completely unbearable no matter how much pain meds I'm on. I'm told both of those conditions can greatly improve with weight loss. I have already conquered the Type 2 diabetes, all with nutrition, before I had the surgery. I have lost over 100 pounds from my highest before the surgery actually. But I have a long way yet to go to my goal.

If anyone would like to chat a bit or share info you have learned on your journey, I would love to hear from you.
