Starting again


I'm a 32 yo male who, as a teen was quite skinny. As I've got older I've kind of gained and lost, anything from 10 stone to around 11 and a half.

I eat rubbish but tend to play a lot of sport so I've almost gotten away with it. A couple of years ago I had to have knee surgery and generally have a few aches and pains these days, maybe more to do with getting older. Because of that I stopped going to the gym and generally gave up trying. I'm now the heaviest I've been at just under 13 stone and I have no confidence. I wear anything I have that fits and just think I'm getting old so what's the point?

A couple of weeks ago I got some motivation and am now going to the gym at least twice a week just doing weights. I'm eating better but I'm deflated thinking i may never drop the weight or that I'll give in

I used my fitness pal once before to good effect but didn't exercise too so I'm not sure how to balance that but I guess I'm here just to seek support and motivation

Thanks guys and good luck all