Married...with children



  • tns56364
    tns56364 Posts: 43 Member
    My husband is an over the road truck driver that is gonna 7-10 days at a time. We have 4 kids which only 2 are in school. I live in a small town so my gym doesn't offer childcare. Working out is tough but between finding a sitter and working out at home I manage to get a workout 3-5 days a week.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I just work out at home with them they know mom has her workout time. Of course I get interrupted with my 2 yo son but he crawls on my belly as I do sit-ups. I try to do it b4 he wakes but not always. I try to walk before they go to school. I workout after work when everyone else is sleeping or we all do yoga or hike or something active on the weekends. I take my 2 yo on walks during day sometimes 2. I just get it in when I can and do me regular workout daily.
  • DonaldBlinks
    DonaldBlinks Posts: 55 Member
    We just work it out day by day based on our schedules. We do all our exercise at home so it's not too difficult to take turns.

    But when it (rarely) comes down to a decision, I generally get work out time 'over' my wife as I'm morbidly obese and she's at a healthy weight.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I have a 3 and 5 year old. My husband usually just stretches out in the mornings before getting ready for work and is now just trying the gym out during his break at work.

    I stay at home. I tried getting up early but my three year old started waking up early and I want him to get his sleep. So now I just let them play in a space nearby or use that as part of their daily tech time and they play on the iPad. My workouts are usually 35-45 minutes. My three year old will sometimes jump in using dog toys as pretend weights or I lay a yoga mat out for him if I am doing Piyo so he can join when he wants. It is actually pretty cute and they are good about knowing it is my time. I may start the gym when my three year old starts preschool two days a week next year but I think it is good he sees me working out. He told me one day he is going to workout when he gets bigger.
  • ashleyguerrero7927
    Hello there I too am married with children and my husband wants to start early morning workouts even though we are not morning people. We use to alternate goin to the gym because we ha no sitter. Due to other things I am a stay at home mom as well. We made a home gym in a big room and put the kids toys there so when we work out they are there playing staying out of trouble.