What is your go to method when you are weak and wanting to over-eat?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    +1 to the idea of eating if you know you're truly hungry (not just bored, emotional, or in a situation where you habitually eat so feel like you should, for example). Others have had some good suggestions about distractions if it's that seems-like-hunger-but-isn't stuff.

    One thing that helped me, in a larger sense, not to feel hungry at a deficit, was to experiment with what kind of eating best kept me satisfied most of the time. The big variables, in my mind, are the timing of eating, and the composition of what you eat. There's a lot of individual variation in what makes people feel satisfied.

    Timing: Some people feel best with 3 equal meals; some like a couple of snacks between main meals; some are better off with big meals early in the day and small ones later; some are happier with small meals earlier (maybe no breakfast at all in some cases) and a bigger dinner that's more like what their family eats; some need to save calories to satisfy evening cravings; some are better off eating a bit every 2-3 hours all day. You can do any of these to distribute your calorie budget through the day.

    Composition: Some people feel most satiated when they get extra protein. Some aren't happy without a decent dietary contribution from carbs. Others find healthy fats fill them up and keep them feeling full longer. Others go for volume eating, once basic nutritional needs are satisfied: High-bulk (usually high fiber), relatively low calorie foods like vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, green salads, and more). You can experiment to see what works for you.

    In my opinion, weight loss is an opportunity to learn about yourself, to learn habits that will help you eat to satisfaction and maintain a healthy weight forever. Experimenting with your eating during the weight-loss process is one way to get there.
  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    Get out of the house, if at all possible.
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread- I have been struggling with this late at night lately and wrote down the suggestions.

    Other things that I have done in the past with success include: Gum (either fruity or minty flavored), 0-cal beverages like diet soda (caffeine free too if late at night), tea, coffee, pickles (5-10 cals each), psyllium husks with about 3 cups of water, mio and crystal light. Now I have some other tools for my little toolbox thanks guys :)