Feeling Overwhelmed and Scared by the Amount of Weight I need to Lose.



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Also, I'd be leery about taking nutritional advice from someone who bills himself as a fitness trainer.
    What is his education about nutrition?
    Does his credentialing body include nutrition in what they allow their trainers to teach? (For example, ACSM does not.)
    What is his credentialing body? Did you check to be sure he's current?
    (I don't need to know the answers, but you do.)

    One of the links in that "goal setting" blog post I just linked to is to a calculator from the Baylor College of
    Medicine which will show you how many servings of the food groups, as well as how many calories per day, are
    needed to maintain a particular weight.
    Another link is to an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (dietitian's professional org.),
    and it discusses the healthy macronutrient ranges.
    I would (do) trust those sources as safe & science-backed information.