Trying to take care of the body God gave me..

Hey! So, after eating 2,500 calories today (mostly in pizza hut and cookies) I decided it's about time to get my head on straight! Not just for me and my family, but for the Lord too!! How can I say I love my self and I'm thankful for my body when I have no problem with scarfing down a medium size pizza!? I have a son and a man that need me around!! I gotta get healthy! I'd love to befriend people whom can encourage me to stay focused! And I'd love to encourage you too! <3


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello !
    There's nothing wrong with occasionally eating a pizza ( I do it as treat :) but I get what your saying :) best of luck to you !
  • Loveabeyta
    Loveabeyta Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you Thorsmom01! Thank you for the positive reassurance.
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    God did give you a body to be a steward of! And it's super important that we represent Him in the way we treat our bodies. Self control, self discipline, and good healthy sacrifices are apart of the character building that God values and desires to see develop in us! Hope you can build some good momentum towards healthy lifestyle changes! God bless!
  • Loveabeyta
    Loveabeyta Posts: 10 Member
    Wow!! Yes! Absolutely! I am getting so pumped! Thank you @ktfranke !! God bless you, too!
  • rachelwenglish
    rachelwenglish Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm working on being healthy too. You are right, take care of the body that God gave you. God will help you, ask in prayer. You can do it. Sending you reassurance :)
  • Loveabeyta
    Loveabeyta Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you Rachelwenglish!