5ft 2 and 8stone anyone?

I'm trying to get back to my previous weight and was just wondering how many cals you eat. I already exercise alot so that is not an issue.


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    5'1 and 7st 5.

    Put your stats into MFP set it to lose .5 lbs a week. Eat all the calories you are given. Your deficit is included. Enter your exercise in MFP and eat back 50-75% of those calories. You need them to replace the extra nutrition exercising takes.

    Weigh food and liquids with a digital scale in grams and millilitres or use cups and spoons for liquids. It is the most accurate way.

    You have very little to lose so it will take time and tight logging.

    Cheers, h.
  • MandyC1972
    MandyC1972 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for your reply.
    I think I would prefer to up my calories daily rather than log my exercise. It's supposed to be 1200 but I was thinking of eating 1500 and not eating exercise calories. Currently doing 2/3 Bodypump classes, 1 Grit, 1/2 Metafit classes and 1 Body Attack with oudoor walking once a week.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    If you prefer eating at a steady deficit each day and include your exercise in it you need to work out your TDEE, if you haven't already, and replace the MFP number with the TDEE.

    Cheers, h.

    Here is a site for TDEE calculations