Finding it hard to fit exercise into my day!



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    It's for your health, make it a priority. Do short bursts if that makes it easier to get it in.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,843 Member
    And strictly speaking, if your main goal is weight loss, exercise is not required.

    What you eat will be the major factor in whether you lose weight or not.

    Exercise is good for stress reduction, getting fit, hanging onto as much muscle as possible while losing weight, earning some extra calories you can eat, and lots of other good stuff. I love the good things exercise does for my life, and have been very active for a dozen years . . . and I stayed fat. Obese, even, according to BMI. Only when I got my eating in line did I lose weight.

    Exercise when you can, start with a little at a time along the lines people suggest above. You'll be able to make the changes you want, over time.