Almost Half way to my goal weight of 140 but thought I would share anyways :)

Hi there I decided as a treat to my hard work I would share my before and after photo's with you. I had been on MFP for a while. I am not even sure how long several years I guess but I never got serious with it until recently. December 1st I started going to the gym 6-7 days a week. A few times I even went twice in the beginning but I am a single mom with two kids so it was a little challenging to do that. Being able to go even 6 days a week is amazing and luckily I take the kids to the gym day care for an hour to two. Anyways, I got on the scale and saw it was at 196 and I told myself there was no way I was going to hit 200 lbs. I had been skinny my whole life never getting over 130 until I had my two kids and started loving wine a little too much to destress in the evenings. Now after dramatically reducing my alcohol intake and kicking butt at the gym I am at 172!! I am hoping to get to 140 and then work on strength training. I am really proud of myself for not only losing the weight but not drinking for 50 days! 5grz2c57czdj.jpg

The picture in the sports bra was taken yesterday 01/29/2016. The blonde hair photo of me on the left with my friend was taken probably 2-3 months ago to give you an idea.


  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well done you look fantastic, keep it up its such an achievement when you get there
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Gym 6-7 days a week you need rest days or you'll get damaged muscles it happened to me :(
    Well done though
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks @size102b I don't kill it at the gym every day sometimes I have active rest days where I will only burn about 300 calories a session. If my body feels tired or not into it I do not push it. :) I definitely make sure to get my protein in and give myself a rest though so I don't kill to much muscle! Thanks @robs_ready
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    You're doing great! :)

    You might want to consider starting your strength training now. It shouldn't hinder fat loss (and may help it). There are many people on here who regret not starting strength training before they reached their goal weight.
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    You go girl
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks @craignev I do some weight lifting 2x a week but I am not sure if I am doing it right or if it is helping but I will get a trainer session soon to see if they can help. Thanks @rebeccaEsmith
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Keep it up!! You look fabulous and I bet you a a lot more energy for the kiddos!
  • madhouse88
    madhouse88 Posts: 17 Member
    that's awesome! I just hit 198, 1 year ago I lost 10-15 pounds and was at 180, and I stayed there for a few months, but in the last 4-5 months it just packed back on, plus some. I'm done drinking and hitting up white castle at 3am. I am also a single mom and work with a personal trainer 2 days a week for 45 minutes, and am going to do some at home workouts 3-4 days. My biggest struggle is food! I love to cook but I need ideas... can I snoop on your diary?? lol seriously. My goal is to lose 20 pounds in 4 months before I move back to Minneapolis-- can't go back looking like a sow! Be my friend?? lol
  • lynnerousseau
    lynnerousseau Posts: 2 Member
    Great job.. Well done! You should be proud.
  • tottie_07
    tottie_07 Posts: 105 Member
    Well done!! And congrats for cutting down on or kicking the sauce. I'm right behind you at 42 days.
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    Great job!! Keep it up! ;)
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 343 Member
    WTG @tottie_07 and thank you @pandora721
  • jenovatrix
    jenovatrix Posts: 219 Member
    How tall are you? You have practically my same stats! I started at 192 - I had the same freakout about never, EVER hitting 200. I'm 175.6 now with a goal of 140 as well.

    The last time I was 'naturally thin' was when I was 12 though! Gained weight once puberty hit and have had problems with it ever since.

    PS you are looking FANTASTIC! Keep it up :smile:
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks @jenovatrix I am 5'6
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