New Veggie help needed?

Hi everyone, I'm Hilz from Northern Ireland and I am new to the group but more importantly new to a Veggie lifestyle. I have recently removed Meat, Soy, Gluten & Wheat from my diet mainly for health reasons. I rarely eat meat anyway so that's not a problem. I have been very creative with my meals for lunch & dinner, it rakes longer to make but I love it. II find I am not hitting my protein, & iron targets, have you any idea what I need to do to increase these levels. I prefer to get them from food rather than a powder. Thanks in advance..


    NOWHEREGIRL55 Posts: 8 Member
    Do you like spinach, I know it has lots of iron and sautes up real nice whether with garlic and olive oil, or even toss in a little cheese if you are still doing diary. If not, there are a couple of good vegan cheese that melt nicely. I've heard kale is good, I've only ever had it in a salad, I read to put the dressing on and let it sit as it's a bit coarse (not sure if that's the right word), I threw some feta, craisins, and walnuts on top and it was quite yummy. For protein, maybe natural peanut butter (I'm an addict) or even yogurt. Maybe make a nice dip with some Greek yogurt instead of sour cream.
  • Donfeao
    Donfeao Posts: 14 Member
    Hello there welcome! Im in Australia. It is very hard to get your daily iron and protein targets if you are not giving them to your body. Greens can give you a raw income of iron aswell as protein but you will find it hard to do that without actuelly eating meats, or you will have to substitute with ALOT of natural greens veggies etc.

    Iron deffficenty if not met by dietry intake, you can use a suppliment such as Cenovis Iron Plus - which you take once a day with food, but is not going to fulfill your bodys needs, just a top up really.

    I would highly reccomend some sort of meat, as in chicken, turkey even fish which is high in protein, you dont have to have alot just enough, and ofcaus lots of veggies to ballence out your meal. To also add variety for your meals and helping with motivation.

    Whatever you decide to do, just remember if you are healthy, supplements are not needed. If you only have supplements then you are not healthy.

    - Don
  • hilsphils
    hilsphils Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much...lots of good advice.