Starting to gain after maintaining for 1 year

I have maintained weight, BMI for a year now; but I'm going through a difficult time lately and evening boredom so I'm finding myself craving comfort foods -- I don't want to "go off the wagon"! Any suggestions on whole foods that could help salt and chocolate cravings? I workout 5 days a week, doing strength and HIIT workouts in my workouts. Any suggestions?


  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    The darker the chocolate, the lesser the likelihood of overeating it (or so the theory goes.) If you crave crunchy and/or something to so with your hands, carrot and celery sticks can't be beat. What about interrupting the boredom with a walk or short DVD workout? A new hobby? People love those adult coloring books - may help with your stress and desire to snack.
    TACDOUPE Posts: 4 Member
    One of the major recipes I make are these dark chocolate brownies. Each brownie weighs 52 grams, which is equal to 2.66 brownies from that Homestyle Two Brownie bite. I scanned the bar code of all of my ingredients to get the most accurate nutritional information for myself. I also used chia seeds instead of flax seeds.

    Comparing 52 grams from the homemade brownie vs the homestyle brand brownie, it has about 100 calories less (130 calories versus 220 something) 2/3 less fat (5 grams versus 15 grams), approximately a third less refined sugar (10.66 grams versus 18 grams), 5 times more fibre (5 grams versus 1 gram), 2.25 times more iron (18% versus 8%), and they have 3 grams of protein. It is possible that if you use different ingredients than I, you may get a vastly different nutritional value.

    This is a healthier alternative that I would recommend.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    If you know it's boredom/emotional eating, I would address the habit of eating when bored/stressed rather than finding new snacks or ways to avoid boredom. Everyone has boredom and stress in their lives at times. Changing habits is easier said than done, admittedly, but it is the only true solution to the situation. Avoiding boredom and better snacks are band aids, IMHO. Your workouts sound great. Sorry to hear times are difficult. Best to you.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Just a little bit of really rich creamy chocolate ice cream every night kills my cravings. Even a tablespoon, but usually 1/4 cup with 4 or 5 nuts and I'm satisfied. It doesn't take a lot.

    In general I find a small amount does me as well as a lot. If I just want to munch, I'll have tea and do something that uses my hands, like play an instrument or write.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Having just a small bite of something is always a good way to scratch the junk food itch. One or two cookies, for example. Another trick you can use: brush your teeth after you eat dinner. The mint in the toothpaste is a signal to your body that you are done eating. Mint is a natural appetite suppressant. You may just beat the urge altogether.

    But if you need a snack, just build it into your calorie budget.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Relax and try not to become frantic. It's natural to want to eat when you're bored or you're going through a stressful time. Just look for healthy alternatives and just be easy and good to yourself. It's really a difficult situation for all of us but with clear thinking and logical thinking you should be able to get through this. Nights are the very worst for me I love comfort foods. But I now work hard at distracting myself and keep my mind busy to get through the evenings or I would easily eat a whole bag of cookies. You can do this you've done a great job! Believe in yourself and believe in your ability and you'll get it done. :)
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    If you know it's sort of boredom/emotional eating, maybe you should try a high quantity liquid? I drink a ton of sparkling water and herbal teas. Also, sometimes, I will portion out 2 cookies or 2 pieces of dark chocolate to accompany the tea. If you know, however, that they are foods you might feel too tempted about when you're bored, maybe keep them out of the house! I would also support the poster who said about dealing with the boredom - can you find any good activities to get engrossed in? My go to is reading novels OR the MFP forums! Good luck and sorry to hear about your recent struggles x
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If you know it's sort of boredom/emotional eating, maybe you should try a high quantity liquid? I drink a ton of sparkling water and herbal teas. Also, sometimes, I will portion out 2 cookies or 2 pieces of dark chocolate to accompany the tea. If you know, however, that they are foods you might feel too tempted about when you're bored, maybe keep them out of the house! I would also support the poster who said about dealing with the boredom - can you find any good activities to get engrossed in? My go to is reading novels OR the MFP forums! Good luck and sorry to hear about your recent struggles x

    Emotional eating and boredom will sabatoge anyone's success or progressing? Why let this get this best of the "your mind" which is obviously tricking you into thinking you need this food or you need to this way.

    You wrote on this platform, so you know the behavior is or will get the best of you.. Only you can get your mind right to either eat it or not?

    Find you something you enjoy to doing to pass this boredom away. Get up and take a walk when it comes over you. Heck make are rule each morning when you wake up that when the "feeling comes" you do x instead of going for the food..

    You could just allow the treats in your calories, but know you may not be able to eat something later on your plan if you indulge... I believe what you are having is a mind over matter situation and the situation is actually winning.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    If you know it's boredom/emotional eating, I would address the habit of eating when bored/stressed rather than finding new snacks or ways to avoid boredom.

    Yes, agreed. I think snacking (ie: mindless, unplanned eating) itself is lousy concept. Screw snacks!
    OP, try to find more engaging ways to entertain yourself and you'll be good.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    Popcorn and/or hard candies you can suck on for awhile.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    WulffTamra wrote: »
    I have maintained weight, BMI for a year now; but I'm going through a difficult time lately and evening boredom so I'm finding myself craving comfort foods -- I don't want to "go off the wagon"! Any suggestions on whole foods that could help salt and chocolate cravings? I workout 5 days a week, doing strength and HIIT workouts in my workouts. Any suggestions?
    It's work, it's hard, and basically, it sucks. This is why so many of us fail/ and yo-yo. I'd go back to how you were eating for the past year. You probably had chocolate or salty foods once in awhile. Trying to fit them back in, as they are often trigger foods, is risky. Bite the bullet and eat an orange. Have a little chocolate on a "special day". I have 3 cups of popcorn cooked in oil but no butter (160 cal) for an evening snack.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited February 2016
    Unfortunately weight loss and maintaining the loss is something that each of us has to work on for the rest of our lives....maintaining is slightly easier as we have more calories to work with.
    I don't want to go back to being heavy again so I'm prepared to do what it takes to stay slim - ask yourself the same question?

    When I have the urge to snack, I drink water/have a cup of coffee, usually its just a notion. It is alot about mind over matter I find. If we keep busy we don't think about eating/snacking etc...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    edited February 2016
    +1 to addressing the root cause primarily, rather than substituting new snacks. But, for the habit/boredom part, I see no downside to considering a new hobby, especially one that keeps your hands busy (and needs them to be clean ;) ). Crafts are good (knit or crochet are good, but there are lots of other options).

    That said, if you have no reason to avoid salt (like high blood pressure or something), I suggest trying pappadums (crispy tortilla-sized rounds that you put in a microwave so they wrinkle, puff and crisp). I like the Sharwood's brand, which are 20 calories each, and made with chickpea flour so there's a bit of protein & fewer carbs. (There are other brands; look in the Indian/ethnic section of a big supermarket, or at Indian/Asian groceries, or online. And sometimes it's spelled differently: Puppodoms, papadams, etc.) Other salty satisfiers for me are pickles of various sorts, and sauerkraut.
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    It's the gains.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I highly recommend Trader Joe's Inner Peas to satisfy the salty/crunchy cravings.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    When I get salt cravings, which happens fairly often because I sweat a lot when I run and cycle, I have a few options, depending on my calorie goals for the day. The most calorific are tortilla chips, followed by sea salt pop chips. The less calorific are dill pickles, including drinking some of the pickle juice, and a rolled-up salted romaine leaf.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I just eat what I crave when I crave it... if it's sweets, it just means that I have a small portion and that I skip the rice or the potatoes for dinner (I had some bread pudding today, just ate less the rest of the day to make up for it). If it's a specific meal, I just make it with less calories than the normal version. Heck I plan my meals around my cravings... that way I'm satisfied and more likely to stay within my calories.

    For chocolate specifically, I just have a piece or two. Or oatmeal with chocolate protein powder.
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member
    Skinny Cow fudge Bars, and Smart Food Popcorn. Work them into your caloric limits.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    For salt, I found sunflower seeds in shell to be amazing. It's a bit counterintuitive because they are high in fat and calories, but most of the weight is in the shell. It takes a long time to individually shell and eat every sunflower seed so it lasts for a long while in under 200 calories.