Partial Thyroidectomy----Scared of weight gain

collteach328 Posts: 30 Member
edited January 2016 in Motivation and Support
About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had a partial Thyroidectomy due to a large growth. Thankfully, the pathology results came back and the growth was benign. I have been working on losing weight since before the surgery. I am truly terrified that I will start to gain weight again. I have about 60 pounds to lose, and even if it is a slow loss, I'm hoping I can continue to see the scale move in the right direction.

Is there anyone out there who has had success with losing weight after this type of surgery? Or anyone else in my shoes who just wants support?

Thanks :)


  • pinksparklegirl1965
    pinksparklegirl1965 Posts: 3 Member
    Beautiful news I had partial thyroidectomy on 18th mine came back benign follicular adenoma Im so Blessed working on post surgery nutrition
  • BluEyedDeviant
    BluEyedDeviant Posts: 27 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy... I won't lie, losing weight had been a struggle! My surgery was almost 3 years ago, and when my thyroid levels are checked I'm told they are normal range. But it doesn't seem to matter how healthy I eat I don't lose any weight.. it's been frustrating!
  • RuthieP82
    RuthieP82 Posts: 2 Member
    I had a hemithyroidectomy in Jan 17 with the similar great (benign) outcome to yours OP! I feel better now than I did in the run up to the operation since being started on levothyroxine back in Feb. My thyroid was clearly struggling while I had that large lump growing.
    I'm not losing quickly but going in the right direction and managing to hit some exercise goals like running 5k. Don't despair, be patient and think about the whole health overall picture. You can do it :-)