Tall girls (5'8" plus) when did you start to see a difference with your weight loss?



  • Jessjmd78
    Jessjmd78 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this because at 5'8 also and 22lb down and frustratingly still in the same dress size I was starting to loose motivation. I agree with the progress photos. I recently decided to do the same. Took one Jan 1st and just taken my second photo. No massive difference yet but hopefully will start to see bigger changes over the coming months which will keep me motivated.

    Reading the other replies has really helped too. Thanks all x
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm 5'9". I've lost 25 lbs from my highest. I'm now at 160. My clothes are smaller, I'm now wearing 8 or 10 instead of 12 or 14, but I honestly can't see a difference! I know there must be one, but even comparing pictures in the same clothes, I look the same to me! I do feel a lot better when I'm eating healthy though! I'm hoping to get down to 150.
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    Hi, way to go on your loss so far!

    I'm 5'8" and I started at 235. I'm currently at 204. I don't necessarily see a huge difference in the mirror, but my clothes are super baggy. I started really seeing a difference in my clothes (and self-confidence) at about 20 pounds lost. Other people really started noticing at about 25 pounds lost. I'm swimming in 18's but I don't want to buy new clothes yet.
  • credstone336
    credstone336 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 6'2" tall and I weigh 191 with a dress size of 14. I just began my journey last week to hopefully get to 180; I would love to have people supporting me because it would make it much easier :) Hopefully I will be able to see a difference in my stomach fat and start wearing a smaller dress size; that is my ultimate goal