Wanting to lose 3.4 pounds by July 4th. Possible?



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member

    Why though? Like really ask yourself why hitting an arbitrary weight/time goal is vital to your happiness.

    This is my question, too. What is the point? What difference does it make? Just keep doing what you are doing. It's great to have goals, but sometimes you have to be flexible with them.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If you had been dieting properly you probably would have lost the weight you intended.

    But to answer your question....

    You wont be able to lose that much fat in 4 days

    That is a pretty obnoxious comment, and it really wasn't necessary.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Isn't a personal challenge just a way of focusing your motivation towards a goal rather than achieving the goal itself?

    Ok, you set a challenge for yourself. You used that challenge mentality to stick to your diet and exercise. Sooooooo.....haven't you've already won?!?

    Just because you didn't meet the PURELY arbitrary goal you set for you and you only...so what? It's not like you lost out on a new car or a $50,000 sweepstakes. Set another goal and try again next month. Learn from your near miss and adjust your plan just a fraction if you want, so you can make it next month.

    In a race against yourself, you are always the winner so long as you complete the race!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Some people can be quite rude around here. If it helps any, I dropped 3 pounds in 6'days last week, eating 1600-1800 calories a day and just doing the 30 day shred. ^_^

    There is no way that you lost 3 lbs of fat in 6 days, unless possibly you are 400+ lbs.

    Now, it is absolutely possible that your scale weight went down that much in 6 days, but it would be due to differences in water retention, not just fat loss.

    Interesting read: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html

    So anyway, OP, it is not beyond possibility that it'll fall off -- but you're unlikely to be able to MAKE it fall off at that rate.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    just severely and dangerously dehydrate yourself and then don't eat anything...that should do the trick....

  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    High protein, good fats, lower carbs (and that includes sugar), low sodium (which means be very careful with the soups, especially miso), no sodas (even diet), lots of water, at least a gallon a day.
    I would say: protein shake for breakfast and one at the end of working out, lean protein, like chicken, for lunch, nuts as a snack, and more lean protein for dinner, maybe cooked in olive oil, lots and lots of veggies (dark greens, vibrant colors) I would say to stick to veggies and not salad to avoid the dressing.
    I think this is going to be more about water loss than fat loss so for this I would say lots of cardio, high intensity interval training, lots of sweating, and lots of rehydration.
    Overall lifting can be better for long term weight loss, but if you lift a lot your muscles will swell and so you will physically weigh more and since this is really about a number on a scale then I would say for the next few days no lifting, lots of stretching, and vary your workouts so you don't overwork a certain muscle. And if possible like I said before, protein shake after working out, if you're working out multiple times a day high protein after every workout this will make your muscles heal quicker and avoid as much of the swelling as possible. Also high fiber so you poop a lot and don't carry around that weight

    ALSO: the night before the morning when you weigh yourself, make that last meal super high fiber, and drink lotssss of water, but don't eat anything for a long time before going to sleep so when you weigh yourself you'll be as empty as possible and hopefully get rid of excess water and waste right before weighing.

    I hope you're aware that none of this is going to make you actually lose "weight" you will probably lose a pound maybe pound and 1/2 but the rest will be water weight but you can take a picture of that number for proof you did it
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    Get a haircut?
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah, severe dehydration should do it. Exercise in the sauna for the next 4 days wearing a ski suit. Just make sure someone is around in case you pass out. If that happens, you may have to go to the hospital and they'll re-hydrate you, so you will be right back where you started.

    Seriously though, why the urge to lose 4 lbs in 4 days? How could anything be so important that you would do something dangerous to lose a few pounds? Whoever he is, he isn't worth it. And it's highly unlikely that he would even notice.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    but you can take a picture of that number for proof you did it

    Hmpf. And here I thought it was about better health, better looks and achieving some modicum of fitness. I can achieve the same goal by pushing on the towel rack when I weigh in...the only one we're cheating is ourselves...

    I think we all know better.

    Life is far too short to agnonize over 3.4lbs!
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cut your hair, take a s*it, take a piss and take off all clothing and jewelry when stepping on the scale in the morning. Boom! 3.4 pounds gone.
  • ouiouilezizi
    Ha, wow... really interesting to see all the negative and sarcastic feedback and assumptions! I never understand why people feel the need to be snide and rude.

    Thank you to those who actually provided something constructive! :)

    I weighed in today and turns out I actually only have 2.5 pounds until my July 4th goal. I don't expect to lose a solid 2.5 pounds of FAT by Thursday, nor does it really matter in truth. Contrary to what some of you implied about me, the number on the scale is not the SOLE indicator of my success, nor does it completely dictate my feelings of accomplishment.

    In the past I have done several different kinds of challenges (aiming to run a 5K, getting a certain number of miles logged per month, inches lost in my waist, Whole 30 challenges, etc.) The reason I chose to measure this challenge by the number on the scale, is because I will have officially lost 40 pounds since 2011 and be under 200 pounds for the first time since 2006.... it's a personal "big deal" for me (not that I need to justify my motivation to anyone but myself.)

    I've been doing this long enough to know what works for me... I was just hoping to pick up some added inspiration and/or tips that I didn't know before (for instance, totally didn't dawn on me that miso was high sodium and could lead to weight retention *smacks forehead*)
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Challenges are a great way to focus your efforts but the only one grading you is yourself! You gave it a try and pretty much made it. The difference between where you are and where you set the bar is meaningless. Just keep on keepin on and you'll win in the end. We all idolize passing the magic round numbers but they are only round because we have ten fingers ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why not set a goal besides a scale # goal? Especially when trying to lose 2-3 lbs in a matter of 4 days isn't realistic (at least not safely). Not to mention the whole issue with the scale being unreliable to begin with?
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Oh, and congrats on the over 40 and under 200 thing! I may be a couple of days early but you're pretty much there! :drinker:
  • treesa101
    treesa101 Posts: 26
    drink lemon water lots of it its a natural fluid reducer ...........if it were that important to me I would think about a few days of smoothies make from half cup greek yogurt frozen berries splenda a packet of sugar fee lemonade mix in three times a day and half cup oat meal twice a day let me know how it goes
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    No u hav e 4 days......................................
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    In the past I have done several different kinds of challenges (aiming to run a 5K, getting a certain number of miles logged per month, inches lost in my waist, Whole 30 challenges, etc.) The reason I chose to measure this challenge by the number on the scale, is because I will have officially lost 40 pounds since 2011 and be under 200 pounds for the first time since 2006.... it's a personal "big deal" for me (not that I need to justify my motivation to anyone but myself.)

    I do understand that personal big deal. I answered as someone else who also set 'under 200 by x date' goals and failed to meet the deadline NUMEROUS times, feeling disappointed with myself and my lack of progress. And then when I did reach ONEderland (for the first time since probably 2003) on a totally random, unplanned day, there weren't any fireworks or streamers or cheers or anything, and I realized it was a pretty meaningless number that I didn't need to place so much importance and emphasis on, or get upset about previously. It actually surprised me how little I cared about it.

    I guess everyone just has to go through that experience firsthand.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Try a different scale?
  • evansproudmama
    just severely and dangerously dehydrate yourself and then don't eat anything...that should do the trick....


    That is so rude and uncalled for! She isnt saying to do this long term she is saying for one week shes not being dangerous or wreckless considering there is people who do cleansing fasts for a week or so at a time.
    You really shouldn't bother commenting unless you have something worth while to hear which clearly you do not. Really what good is it to put people down just because it isn't exactly how you think it should be done? that my friend is STUPID!!
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Sorry people are being so rude on here, but here is my ideas about it. Being a recovering anorexic it is possible. It's possible to lose 3.4 lbs by creating the right defecit or heck even taking a laxative or something. It is possible, but it's also possible that day you may have a fluctuation out of nowhere and no matter what you do you don't hit the goal, just because that's life.
    So how much more of a victory would it be to just accept you have done as good as you can. Maybe there were slips along the way, but you learned from them and are where you are at now. Why not do some self-acceptance...accept that you may not meet your weight goal but have met so many other more important ones. Choosing health over a number, learning to eat healthy, and learning to have a sustainable weight loss instead of a quick fix.
    Good luck with everything and I will pray that no matter the number the 4th of July...the day celebrating freedom here in the USA...that you celebrate all the freedoms, breakthroughs, and strides you have made. And maybe give yourself freedom from the number :)