Is there anything that helps with craving sweets?



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I've been at this (successfully) for nearly a year and still struggle with the sweets. You've gotten some good advice, much of it contradictory (go cold turkey/have some in moderation). Obviously you'll have to find what works for you. That's going to take time and patience, so just be determined to stick with it long enough for that to happen. It is true- the more you have in the house, the more temptation there will be. I have kids and a husband with a 3000 calorie allowance, so I can't eliminate sweets from the house entirely, but I try to only buy 1 thing that I know I don't care for and limit my baking. I've been having this sweet cinnamon herbal tea with a tsp of honey that really seems to help and is nice because I can sip on it over a long period. I'm not against sweets per se- I seem to have at least one a day- but my calories are getting more limited and to continue to progress, I know something is going to have to give and it needs to be that! I've been running into that problem a previous poster mentioned- having my treat during the day and ending up hungry at night. Our calories need to have more bang for their buck. One last thing- make sure you have a reasonable weekly weight loss goal. Many set their goal too high initially (2lbs/week) when a smaller goal will get the job done with less struggle. (Of course, deferring to any direction you receive from Dr.)