Hi mfp peeps! Alaskan chick here

Hello, I'm looking for some friends. I like others peoples thoughts and ideas about healthy living. I'm currently trying 'Take Shape for Life', a medifast program. I have lost 10lbs this month but haven't totally adjusted to the program. Hope to connect with you all soon!



  • nlpie
    nlpie Posts: 1 Member
    Tomorrow will be my second week on Medifast. I am still adjusting, as well, but hoping this will be the last diet I need to be on. I have the rhythm down, but have some rough days not eating my favorite foods.
  • larajf
    larajf Posts: 9 Member
    I just put in my first order and it should arrive in a few days. I'm excited but nervous. I'm reading through and realize I'll have to manage my veggies as well. Guess it's time for a hard reset. And I too hope this is my last diet to lose the weight and then I'll find a way to live healthy on out where I don't gain 20lbs in 3 months all in my belly.
  • jenndeezy
    jenndeezy Posts: 2 Member
    This is my 2nd week also!!