Getting over the negative thought patterns, help?

So, I know that having a negative mind set out your body is detrimental to loosing weight. I'm the heaviest I've been my whole life, my self esteem is very low and of course I feel awakes, ugly and unattractive. How do you change your mind set to positive thinking and embracing this new journey you have chosen when you feel this way?


  • Jadedlily83
    Jadedlily83 Posts: 19 Member
    It's hard to find motivation. Changing your thinking isn't something that comes quickly or easily, even if you are in therapy. Take it one day at a time, one step at a time, and congratulate yourself with every little victory.
  • suecastro
    suecastro Posts: 70 Member
    Count your positives and write a list. You want to achieve you are striving to do it the fact you are here says you are a person who is able yo as for help and support how's that for starting you list? And I don't even know you! Include every nice thing you do for someone else as that's a definite positive not negative thing and as your list gets bigger and you learn to appreciate yourself and the things you do for others and your own achievements you can apply that to your weight loss journey which we all know is not a quick fix but a long and rocky road but you CAN DO IT!! Good luck and try the list along side mfp. You can add each day you achieve a mfp goal on the + list too. Go to it!
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    start noticing all the negative self-talk and try to turn it around.
    "Ugh i'm so fat"..."I would like to loose some weight. good thing i am going to make some changes in my life to do so. go me!"

    try to notice and make a list of the things you are grateful for everyday. pay other people compliments (it puts you in the right frame of mind to make yourself compliments!)
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    Tell yourself "I'm taking care of myself, because I love myself and I want to better myself."

    Don't quit because you don't see results, keep going until you do, otherwise you will always doubt your choice.

    Also, focus on things other than weight loss. Only think about food when you need to eat it. Food is fuel, not comfort.

    As far as weight loss goes - don't think, just do.
    Quotes famous green goblin: "Do or don't, there is no try."

    These are all things that have helped me. :)