Help - trying to get to racing weight



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Obviously this thread is only specific - or of interest - to those of us who race (runners, cyclists, triathletes). Finding that "ideal racing weight" can be a bit of trial and error. I know I had it two years ago, but did not have it last season as a 5-8 pound difference (heavier) zapped me - especially on the climbs. So I am adjusting back to what was more "ideal" during the 2014 season.

    I will follow this post up after this weekend's Power and HR Performance Test.

    Why? Just to see if my results are the same as the study cited in the above post.

    Considering I have lost 10 pounds during the past two months, and have been in structured base training during that weight loss with plenty of intervals - the results should show that I will not have improved my FTP since the prior test 6 weeks ago if the study I cited from Fitzgerald's book is correct. That being - the results should put me in the category of losing weight and trying to improve through interval training resulted in no gain in performance.

    I'll be okay with that knowing that I am closing in on my targeted weight loss goal for my "ideal racing weight" and have time to turn around the performance gains once I the weight loss stops in a few weeks. For someone who has a shorter time frame before an upcoming event and is considering losing weight during the period they need to be bumping up the intensity, it may or may not illustrate the lack of benefits of cutting while training. Not that anyone will read this thread, but you never know if it will turn up in somebody's search down the road...