
Hi there, this is probably my 3rd time trying My Fitness. Here's hoping I can keep it up this time. I'm married, with 3 kids and two big dogs.
Over the last 11 years my back has been literally sliding apart. 9 years ago when I first found out what was wrong, I was up to 276lbs and had shrunk from 5'4" to 5'3".
I was down to a steady 232lbs until September 2015 when everything started to get worse again. (Not counting the 195lbs I was down to after a severe illness and right before finding out I was pregnant with my youngest. Now I'm back to barely walking at 241lbs.
I still work 40hrs a week on concrete (with severe lifting restrictions--nothing over 15lbs). Even with the sitting down I get to do here and there as a supervisor, I'm still darn near crawling into my house when I get home.
I am scheduled for my Pre-Op to have my spine fused in mid March. The Drs (and logic) said my recovery can be helped by losing weight and trying to gain back some of the strength I've lost. I'll be going to physical therapy, as well, the interim.
And I am wide open to ideas for cardio that I might actually be physically able to do.