Gaming My Weight Loss: Attaching More Immediate Consequences

Recognizing that my weight management problem is completely in my head I had to come up with a mind game and I think I’ve got it.

I wrote up a weight loss and training plan to get me to my goal weight and some measurable fitness goals over 18 weeks. That is the part I've done a hundred times.

The new part is that I gave a friend two manila folders. One is labeled “Hero” and the other is labeled “Zero”. The Hero folder contains individually addressed and postage paid envelopes containing checks to Make-A-Wish Foundation and another children's charity. They are noble causes and give me hope in humanity. If I meet my goal each week he is going to drop one of the Hero envelopes in the mail.

The Zero folder contains envelopes with checks to the Political Action Committee of a politician I detest. If I do not meet my goal for the week my accomplice will drop one of the Zero envelops in the mail. I will send him an email with electronic proof every Monday indicating whether for that week I am a Hero or a Zero.

If this doesn't work there is no hope for me! The idea of failing horrifies me more than being overweight. Thought I would share.
