First mini plateau!! :(



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    rellie25 wrote: »
    Try tracking your measurements. With that much exercise you would be growing muscle mass, which does weigh more, but looks much nicer. How do you FEEL. can you feel your cheek bones more when you wash your face, do you notice your neck, ankles, wrists, etc feel more boney than before. Don't trip yourself up with the NUMBERS. Be kind to yourself and log how you feel when you don't think it's working. It's working. YOU"RE working ... You can do this. Congratulations on your stick-to-it-ness!

    Shes not gaining muscle while eating in a deficit. That doesn't happen, except in rare situations

    And the number one criteria for one of those situations is usually "Being Male"
    Why does everyone think it is super easy to gain muscle? Wouldn't everyone who exercises look like a body builder if it was?

    Why do they think WOMEN are capable of this? I distinctly remember my high school PE classes going over testosterone for muscle growth.

    Ladies: If a bunch of adult men feel the need to use steroids to gain muscle, in spite of the fact that they are way better at it naturally than we are, what does that tell you about us doing it by accident????

    I don't understand your point. Are you saying women can't gain muscle???

    She's saying it is harder for women to gain muscle and it isn't going to be something that happens accidentally while one is in a calorie deficit.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited February 2016
    mkakids wrote: »
    rellie25 wrote: »
    Try tracking your measurements. With that much exercise you would be growing muscle mass, which does weigh more, but looks much nicer. How do you FEEL. can you feel your cheek bones more when you wash your face, do you notice your neck, ankles, wrists, etc feel more boney than before. Don't trip yourself up with the NUMBERS. Be kind to yourself and log how you feel when you don't think it's working. It's working. YOU"RE working ... You can do this. Congratulations on your stick-to-it-ness!

    Shes not gaining muscle while eating in a deficit. That doesn't happen, except in rare situations

    And the number one criteria for one of those situations is usually "Being Male"
    Why does everyone think it is super easy to gain muscle? Wouldn't everyone who exercises look like a body builder if it was?

    Why do they think WOMEN are capable of this? I distinctly remember my high school PE classes going over testosterone for muscle growth.

    Ladies: If a bunch of adult men feel the need to use steroids to gain muscle, in spite of the fact that they are way better at it naturally than we are, what does that tell you about us doing it by accident????

    I don't understand your point. Are you saying women can't gain muscle???

    She's saying it is harder for women to gain muscle and it isn't going to be something that happens accidentally while one is in a calorie deficit.


    @jflanaganasl Of course women are capable of gaining muscle. Without steroids. My point was that its VERY DIFFICULT for us to do it. No one is doing it by accident. It just doesn't happen. To bulk up, you have to follow an extremely strict diet with huge protein amounts and really dedicate yourself to a serious heavy lifting program.

    A lot of women try to gain big muscles and fail because it's so much intense work and effort. It can totally be done, but ain't nobody alive that has done it or ever will do it, by accident, while in deficit is all.

    ETA: Odd medical conditions/abnormalities notwithstanding obviously. We're talking about average Jane here.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    rellie25 wrote: »
    Try tracking your measurements. With that much exercise you would be growing muscle mass, which does weigh more, but looks much nicer. How do you FEEL. can you feel your cheek bones more when you wash your face, do you notice your neck, ankles, wrists, etc feel more boney than before. Don't trip yourself up with the NUMBERS. Be kind to yourself and log how you feel when you don't think it's working. It's working. YOU"RE working ... You can do this. Congratulations on your stick-to-it-ness!

    Shes not gaining muscle while eating in a deficit. That doesn't happen, except in rare situations

    And the number one criteria for one of those situations is usually "Being Male"
    Why does everyone think it is super easy to gain muscle? Wouldn't everyone who exercises look like a body builder if it was?

    Why do they think WOMEN are capable of this? I distinctly remember my high school PE classes going over testosterone for muscle growth.

    Ladies: If a bunch of adult men feel the need to use steroids to gain muscle, in spite of the fact that they are way better at it naturally than we are, what does that tell you about us doing it by accident????

    I don't understand your point. Are you saying women can't gain muscle???

    A woman eating in a surplus with a heavy lifting program can gain about two pounds of muscle per month, and that's optimistic. It simply isn't a fast enough process to mask or halt the one to two pounds per week of loss the OP is expecting.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I thought the 2 lbs a month was for men and much less (like 1/2-1 lb) for women if you are doing everything right
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    rellie25 wrote: »
    Try tracking your measurements. With that much exercise you would be growing muscle mass, which does weigh more, but looks much nicer. How do you FEEL. can you feel your cheek bones more when you wash your face, do you notice your neck, ankles, wrists, etc feel more boney than before. Don't trip yourself up with the NUMBERS. Be kind to yourself and log how you feel when you don't think it's working. It's working. YOU"RE working ... You can do this. Congratulations on your stick-to-it-ness!

    Shes not gaining muscle while eating in a deficit. That doesn't happen, except in rare situations

    And the number one criteria for one of those situations is usually "Being Male"
    Why does everyone think it is super easy to gain muscle? Wouldn't everyone who exercises look like a body builder if it was?

    Why do they think WOMEN are capable of this? I distinctly remember my high school PE classes going over testosterone for muscle growth.

    Ladies: If a bunch of adult men feel the need to use steroids to gain muscle, in spite of the fact that they are way better at it naturally than we are, what does that tell you about us doing it by accident????

    I don't understand your point. Are you saying women can't gain muscle???

    No, she's saying it's more difficult for women to gain muscle. A woman can gain about .5 lbs- 1 lb of muscle a month. And that's something they have to be actively working hard to achieve.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I thought the 2 lbs a month was for men and much less (like 1/2-1 lb) for women if you are doing everything right

    You're likely right. I was pulling numbers from memory and I probably have them discombobulated.
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey team of awesomes- thanks for this thread. I read a thread like this about once a week, but this morning I had my "oh no...I did everything perfect for two days and the scale is up :/" moment - and of course, here we all are together.

    OP- I'm right there with you. just repeat over and over "weight loss is not linear" and remember how awesome you are for all the other reasons...keep trucking along!

    we got this :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Since you said this is your "first" stall, hopefully you understand this is normal, and you'll have many more in between your successes. Just keep going. 4 weeks isn't very long. Some people here have been at this for years, with steady success.
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    It's not a plateau if it's only been a week. Stick it out and keep going. The scale will move.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    In the first weeks of weight loss especially, you will see stalls. This is likely because at first you lose a lot of water weight and it takes time for the scale to show fat loss that catches up to the amount of water weight you lose. So if you lose 5 pounds of water weight but you are scheduled to lose 1 pound per week, you may see 5 pounds gone the first week, then a stall while your body catches up. If you don't see weight loss for a few weeks, you may still be losing fat but you aren't seeing it because of the high water weight loss.
  • level3tjg
    level3tjg Posts: 21 Member
    I was consistently losing 2 a week and it stopped for 8 days and just held there... I actually bumped my calories up by 200 and a couple days later I lost a few ounces... I ended up losing 5lbs over about 12 days and have been consistent since.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    MikeAV8s wrote: »
    You're doing just fine! Keep pounding!

    Are you, by chance, a Panthers fan? :lol: Either way, I like the sentiment, particularly with the upcoming game.

    Why yes, yes I am B)
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    MikeAV8s wrote: »
    MikeAV8s wrote: »
    You're doing just fine! Keep pounding!

    Are you, by chance, a Panthers fan? :lol: Either way, I like the sentiment, particularly with the upcoming game.

    Why yes, yes I am B)

    KEEP POUNDING!!!!!!!!!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    It's not a plateau if it's only been a week. Stick it out and keep going. The scale will move.

    It's not even a pl... if it's only been one week.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    You will have weeks where you don't lose, or lose very little. Just keep going.