What is everyone's weakness or challenge with getting their goals?



  • PhreePanda
    PhreePanda Posts: 22 Member
    Ive always struggled with waking up for a snack at 3-4 am. Sometimes I'm starving, other times it's because I had a snack too close to bedtime. Anyway, getting a cup of milk and a protein bar once a night seems to weigh heavy on my calorie goals. Has anyone else defeated this battle? I'm going to make snack packages tonight with apples and celery, but I keep kicking myself for this. I weigh in tomorrow and feel down because I fear the scale will have gone up.
  • PhreePanda
    PhreePanda Posts: 22 Member
    Alcohol and an all or nothing mentality.

    I have this issue too. And allow one day a week to go out drinking. Things like vodka with a no cal mixer like tea is a great option! Or just obstin. (But yeah right... Since it's a lifestyle change). I always try to work out harder the next day or the day I know I'm going to drink.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    What is one or two things you really struggle with that prevent you from reaching your goal(s)?

    Let's try and respond to each other with helpful hints to get us to break through the obstacle!

    For me my issue is the weekend, I have no routine like I do with my workweek and when I have free time it can easily turn in to restaurants or bars.

    Also I struggle with a sweet tooth after meals.

    Regarding weekends, I also do not have the workweek routine and I also have some extra time ... and so I exercise ... a lot. I'm into long distance cycling and hiking, so that's what I do with my weekends. Because spending hours cycling or hiking burns a few calories, I can then splurge a little in the evening. I might go to a restaurant or order pizza or whatever. :)

    So I guess my suggestion is ... find something active you like doing on weekends. And then if you go to a restaurant after, at least you've got extra calories to work with.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    I'm hovering just a few kg above my goal now ... but ...

    Probably the biggest challenge for me has been travelling. I travel quite a bit, and while I usually travel to cycle or hike, so I'm active, we also tend to eat in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc. etc. ... the places where temptation lurks.
  • ChicagoCalifornian
    bri170lb wrote: »
    I have been having a terrible time with weekends because of the lack of structure, eating out and Sunday is my day off from exercise.

    But...this past weekend I did really well and had a full week meeting my goals for the first time in months.

    I just decided to add some structure and commit to sticking to the plan. A lack of structure was holding me back, so I created some.

    I pre logged my food, ate breakfast and lunch the same way I do during the week and I vowed to only go over my calorie limit in the evening IF I had some exercise calories to log AND IF I was hungry.

    This got me off my butt Saturday and Sunday so that I would have that little cushion for treats, drinks or eating out.

    This weekend with the Superbowl I am going to bank my exercise calories (from Saturday and Sunday ) for Sunday evening.

    I am going to try to accurately log my food during the game by taking photos of my plates. I am also making some "good for me" food that rally fits into my plan, even though the rest of my family wants the usual high calorie junk.

    I host family and friends often, almost always serve the meals buffet style and find that I totally forget what I ate and go way over. This is one problem area that I really need to find an effective solution for, because it happens often!

    I think taking photos is a good start, if I can just remember to do it.

    Wow seems great and sustainable! Very good job!

  • ChicagoCalifornian
    phreexx wrote: »
    Alcohol and an all or nothing mentality.

    I have this issue too. And allow one day a week to go out drinking. Things like vodka with a no cal mixer like tea is a great option! Or just obstin. (But yeah right... Since it's a lifestyle change). I always try to work out harder the next day or the day I know I'm going to drink.

    Yes I guess I didn't think about it but I have all or nothing mentality. I hate starting a diet when there are big holidays or parties or on a weekend and if I have a bad day I sometimes just completely give up! Trying to find something sustainable is key!

  • jo_m_towns
    jo_m_towns Posts: 27 Member
    French fries are evil
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Doritos kill my will power. I try not to ever buy them, but sometimes I can't resist like when they are on sale at Sam's club!

    I have trouble in the evenings - I do well all day and then blow it buy endlessly snacking. I think it's cause I'm tired and overly relaxed that I get into the who cares mentality.
  • junelove89
    junelove89 Posts: 759 Member
    Weekends throw me off my diet.
    Chocolates and sweets too.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    Eating out on weekends definitely. And when I do eat out, I don't moderate what I eat and go until I'm stuffed full.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Surrounded by unhealthy food
    Not exercising because of an injury
    Low mood
  • Jadedlily83
    Jadedlily83 Posts: 19 Member
    Being beyond broke, 3 kids and living 30 min. from the nearest city. I tend to stress eat, and it doesn't help having all this food in the house because we shop once a month.
  • Jcox300
    Jcox300 Posts: 62 Member
    finding time to exercise. I wake up at 6:40am to get ready for work. get to work and 7:30. work till 7pm (unable to work out or walk on lunch break.as it is seriously 5 minutes long). by the time i get home i am so tired. i eat dinner with my husband and shower and go to bed. ive tried to get up early but my mind at 5am say snooze snooze snooze
  • RadiantChange
    RadiantChange Posts: 57 Member
    Road trips are especially hard...Although the ones where we take the RV is a lot easier cause I just pack our food. However it is the others that can be hard to navigate.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    At some point, everyday, without fail, I will want to go out and have a few drinks and a few appetizers and entrees. I haven't done it in a few days, but it's hard not to dwell on it.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    At some point, everyday, without fail, I will want to go out and have a few drinks and a few appetizers and entrees. I haven't done it in a few days, but it's hard not to dwell on it.

    Oh and I almost forgot: going to the movies. I may have the very best intentions for myself going in, not get any popcorn, soda, candy etc. , but my boyfriend always goes all out and I always end up having half of his junk food watching the movie. So I can't go to the movies again until I master self-control. lol
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Good food! Eating for the wrong reasons.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Parties. Went to two this week. They kill my weekly deficit. Bah humbug!!