Help Formulating a Workout


My name is Amy Smith, I took a 2 year hiatus from my fitness pal because I went back to grad school. Before then I had a set workout routine which mostly revolved around 3 days of lifting weights (Full Body work out) and one day of Cardio.

2 years later I have gained probably 20 pounds and I am looking to loosing weight now that I have a job and don't have to worry about studying all the time. I am currently eating healthy but I was looking for some suggestions about formulating a workout targeted at loosing weight. I only have my apartment gym to work out at and it has very minimal machines. Just a set of Dumbbells and stationary home gym with lat pull down, etc. I really have tried to start running but I do get bad shin splints some time. I currently would like to focus my workout on more cardio. So what do you guys suggest as a workout routine. I was thinking maybe 30 mins on the treadmill or running outside and 30 mins weights 3 times a week. And maybe some cardio on my off days.

The only problem is when I run I get pretty exhausted afterwords I run like 2 miles but I think I might cut back due to my shin splints.

I have tried Insanity all though it works I am not a fan of having to workout 6 days a week and like routine that is somewhat flexible.

Any Advice would be great!!
