Weight loss and binging

eithk Posts: 11 Member
edited February 2016 in Food and Nutrition
So essentially throughout the past 6 months (September 2015) I've been on a diet. I was 17, 5'6 and obese (200pounds). It inadvertently started by really not feeling the need to eat, I've lost 10 pounds on that month. So by November I was perfectly fine eating under 1000 calories. Time I went by and I am currently 140 pounds, I'm trying to reach 130. When i say "perfectly fine" i mean by eating fine, feeling full, losing weight, getting in shape, not binging, but since 2 weeks ago (was weighing 135 pounds, close to my goal) and some of my family members + some people at my school have been saying wrong comments such as you look sick, you should eat, anorexic, drug addict and a whole bunch of stuff, they now are making themselves and their children go on diets, they also are hiding the weighing scale and my measuring cups of which I keep track of my food intake. Since those two weeks I've been eating 2500 calories, regaining 5 pounds of permanent fat. I know I'm on metabolic damage and weight gain is pretty noticeable. Even today it was ONLY 11am and I went on a binge of 2500 calories in one sitting. It's embarrassing to say. But under all this stress and jealousy I can't stop binging, though I promise to stop since I've got to vent to someone about it. Does anyone have some similar stories?


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight quickly. Not a bad idea to maintain for a while.
    Telling them this, may get them off your back.