Baked Citrus & Onion Chicken (easy, cheap, & mouthwatering)

lotushead Posts: 200 Member
I know you enjoyed that title ;)

***If you think you can wait for 2 days for some bomb-digity chicken to marinate, you must try this!! Read through full recipe before starting. Nutrition data and photo link at bottom.***

Sooo, I am pretty honest about my cooking skills or lack-there-of. I stink at making meat/poultry dishes. This was my most successful moment yet. Thought I'd share.

Here's what I used:

1. Stubb's Chicken Citrus & Onion All-Natural Marinade. (I used exactly 165 grams to completely cover the breast in the tupperware .)
2. 9.6 ounces - or 271 grams - of chicken breast, skinless, boneless

...and that's it. Seriously. Two ingredients.

The PREPPING process:

1. Rinse off chicken breast with cool water and pat dry
2. Stab chicken breast with a knife or fork repeatedly (have fun.)
3. Pour marinade over chicken, flipping over to get both sides drenched in it. Use a container not too much bigger than the breast itself so that you waste less marinade to submerge the chicken breast. It should be submerged for maximum flavor to absorb.
5. Leave tupperware with chicken in fridge for 2 days (oh yeah, you should probably plan a bit in advance with this one!)

The COOKING process:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Place chicken breast on baking sheet lined with foil and sprayed with just a little non-stick cooking oil.
3. There will be a lot of marinade left over in the tupperware. Pour some of it over the breast but DON'T THROW OUT THE REST YET! If you are as much of a stickler about being exact with your measurements as I am, you can use your kitchen scale to find the difference between the starting amount of marinade used, and the amount of marinade actually absorbed in the chicken. Just make sure to record in grams or ounces of whatever unit you want, how much marinade you poured over the chicken when you started. And then weigh the leftover marinade not used in a separate container. Subtract the values, and viola! You have almost an exact measurement. If you're not an accuracy freak, I apologize, that was probably really boring to read. Carry on.
4. Set timer for 25 minutes
5. Take out and be amazed.

The chicken basically fell apart when I sliced into it for the first time. It was soft, flavorful, and I could probably eat way more than 9.6 ounces of it if there was more around. But I'm glad there wasn't because I'm actually quite full after eating the whole thing. Yay for simple and awesome recipes!

Nutrition Facts:
Total calories: 350 calories
Carbs: 7 grams
Fat: 7 grams
Protein: 62 grams
Sodium: 869 grams
Cholesterol: 154 grams

I took a picture of the finished product. It tastes better than it looks!
