New MFP Friends

naturesoul Posts: 13 Member
edited February 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm looking to connect with other people who are active on the site.

I don't have a whole lot to lose but if you're petite, you understand how a few pounds can make a big difference on our body frames and how losing weight can be more challenging. I also have an anxiety disorder and suffer with panic attacks on a regular basis so it's difficult for me to workout and get my heart rate up as that usually triggers one so I try to focus on yoga and low impact workouts on the elliptical. I used to be a runner and race but at some point, I started having panic attacks during my runs so I no longer run. Anyway....

I am 5'0" and currently 113 pounds. My goal is 100 pounds.

Feel free to share your current weight and your goal weight and send me a friend request. :-)