Never ending plateau!!



  • Xineoph
    Xineoph Posts: 38 Member
    Hi. I found myself in a very similar positipn to you, having more or less completed my initial goal but wanting to push on further. My weight stalled 2 pounds from my new target, where it sits to this day.

    There is more to this however. You might need to look very carefully at the details of your situation.

    Weight is seldom perfectly static. What you need to know is what it is doing behind the vagaries of the daily swing of your bathroom scales.

    I went to the hacker's diet online website and entered all of my eeight data there. Then I was able to discern the all important TREND. My weight only appears to be stuck where in fact I am losing a steady amount of weight at a rate that will have me reach my goal about Xmas!!!

    A further thing you can do - if you are not already doing it - is keep a record of your body fat measurements.

    While my weight has been inching its way towards my goal my BF has been dropping by very slow degrees also.

    This is the new patient approach to weight loss lol. Not complacency. Yesterday I walked three hours, performed 160 squats, and sit ups . . . and still have a pound to go ha ha, but am trending downwards.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I would expect that you are having trouble losing because you are already toward the bottom of your healthy weight range. 120 will put you at a BMI of 17.7, which would be underweight. Maybe forget about the number on the scale and work on toning now, instead of waiting.