Trying to begin again..

Last year I was dealing with a breakup and ended up dropping 50 pounds in less than 6 months. I was heavily drinking and barely eating but everyone was complimenting my shrinking figure and always saying how great I looked. I'm happy to say that I'm in a better place in my
Life right now but unfortunately since I have begun eAting normal amounts of food (and then some for winter comfort).. I've gained half of it back. I feel gross and I'm taking it out on myself and those around me.
I just want to feel good in my own skin but it can be so hard to start again.


  • starsarai720
    starsarai720 Posts: 31 Member
    I am so there with you, girl.
  • starsarai720
    starsarai720 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting small is the best way to go. And that doesn't mean immediately depriving yourself of everything and hitting the gym mercilessly.... Start off by trying to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day. This will curb cravings and get your body on a better rhythm. (As well as pushing out water weight, and generally making you feel lighter).
    It's hard when you associate looking your best with malnourishment and a hard emotional time. I'm going through the same thing, again, right now. A bad break up over a year ago caused me to lose over 10 pounds in a week last year, then to gain 15 in refusing to get out of bed and eating myself sick. Eventually, I came back out of that by finding a gym routine and choosing to prepare my own meals when I could.

    Now, after another bad breakup (just two days ago) I am starting to drop weight quickly again.... But I am trying to remember to nourish and love myself instead of turning someone else's action into a form of self harm (not nourishing myself, etc). It's hard, because I feel no desire to eat, so tracking it on here and at least getting to 1000k-1200k is the goal (I know this still isn't a lot, but it's something). It's also easier to drink meal replacements/protein drinks. Somehow this is easier to stomach.
    Good luck on your weight loss journey. We're all rooting for you!