
Hi all. So I am 28, 195lbs
I eat 1500-1700 calories daily
I work out Monday through Saturday
Burn 500 calories a day and work out

I have been on this diet for a while, I won't eat more but also no less then 1500-1700. I went from 255-195 losing a total of 65lbs.
I'm at a plateau and it's upsetting me.
I am a scale user everyday and like I said I never go over my 1500, so why is it I can weigh 192 yesterday then eat some food, and be 198 the next morning. That just gets me I'm going to go to the gym two, maybe even three times a day now. I think il try losing 1000 plus calories maybe that will help? Im on a seasonal layoff so I have much more gym time. But I'm not interested in busting my *kitten* only to see the number up again. I want to be 180 period. Like I said I tracked my food and watch my water intake. I need to drop 15 more pounds. Any one know how to break the wall.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    How long have you been stuck?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No such thing as a plateau. Calories out > calories in = everyone's a winner.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    If you gained 6 pounds overnight, it's water weight/poop not fat gain. This is completely normal and most of the time it's gone within the week.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    No such thing as a plateau. Calories out > calories in = everyone's a winner.

    Plateau =
    a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress.

    In regards to water weight yes I know I didn't gain 6 pounds of fat. What I'm getting at is that for weeks now I have been eating only 1500 calories minus 500 from the gym.
    So 1500 x 7day week = 10500
    Calories burned 500 x 5days = 2500
    What's the deal. Is it because my body's not vining enough durning rest mode. Should I lower my calories to 1000 a day and raise my exercise to 750 that way I'd only be eating around 250 a day. I want to drop these last 15. Any help is apprecaites
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    I am not trying to do this unhealthy. But I'm upset I haven't been able to drop. This water weight posses me off, one day I'm 192 the next back to 198. When I'm 180 I can fluxiate not now
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Homeostasis. Your BMR is likely at 1900 or more then you're working out on top of that bringing your TDEE to about 2500-2700. And you're eating 1000 calories less than that. Prolonged eating that way will help to set in homestasis.
    Sounds dumb, but try eating your BMR for a WHOLE week and see what happens. Also increase your intensity a little (not the duration). There might be some initial weigh gain, but I'm betting it'll start moving again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I am not trying to do this unhealthy. But I'm upset I haven't been able to drop. This water weight posses me off, one day I'm 192 the next back to 198. When I'm 180 I can fluxiate not now

    If you are not planning to do this unhealthily why would you even suggest 250 calories net per day? That is dangerous.

    How long have you been stalled? Stalls are common. I've been stalled for 5 weeks and only today saw a new low (it's only .2lbs lower than my low, but I'll take it).

    You may feel as though you will be able to accept fluctuations when you are at goal but water weight will affect you regardless of how you feel about it. It does that to us all. It's a pain but if you accept that it will happen and it does not in any way mean you have actually gained fat then you just ride the wave.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    No such thing as a plateau. Calories out > calories in = everyone's a winner.

    Plateau =
    a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress.

    In regards to water weight yes I know I didn't gain 6 pounds of fat. What I'm getting at is that for weeks now I have been eating only 1500 calories minus 500 from the gym.
    So 1500 x 7day week = 10500
    Calories burned 500 x 5days = 2500
    What's the deal. Is it because my body's not vining enough durning rest mode. Should I lower my calories to 1000 a day and raise my exercise to 750 that way I'd only be eating around 250 a day. I want to drop these last 15. Any help is apprecaites

    No point putting a dictionary definition there. That doesnt take into account that a calorie deficit is not being achieved. Can I ask you if all people who are eating at a maintenance level are on a plateau, given their level of exercise and no change, although intended?
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Homeostasis. Your BMR is likely at 1900 or more then you're working out on top of that bringing your TDEE to about 2500-2700. And you're eating 1000 calories less than that. Prolonged eating that way will help to set in homeostasis.
    Sounds dumb, but try eating your BMR for a WHOLE week and see what happens. Also increase your intensity a little (not the duration). There might be some initial weight gain, but I'm betting it'll start moving again.

    I second this!!! Excellent advice!

    I think most underestimate the importance of BMR and quite often completely ignore it, which, I'm sure, makes weight loss so much more difficult, sporadic, and stressful.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    First thanks everyone for the helpful advice. I will do this the right way. So my bmr is 1900. So I should eat around 1900 instead of 1500. I can try?
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I have been on this diet for a while

    How long is a while? The MFP definition of a plateau is 3 weeks of adhering to your plan without any weight loss. I like that definition. I get impatient sometimes too, but if I lost weight two weeks ago and not this week, I know I have to give it another couple weeks before I panic.

    Your weight (especially if you are a lady) will go up and down all the time. Mine is all over the place, 2 lbs up 2 lbs down 2 lbs up. That's when I'm actually losing.

    If you are confident you are accurately weighing and measuring your food, the likely answer is you need to give it more time. Even if you were in a 1000 calorie deficit for 3 and a half days and so therefore should have lost a pound, your body isn't going to drop it when you think it should. It will hang on to it and might wait until you've gotten to the 2 or 3 lb mark before it decides to drop anything. Be patient.

    I always look at the last 21 days. I average all my calories for those 21 days. If I am honest in my logging, my average is usually higher than whatever it is I'm "aiming" for because I do occasionally go over, and that brings my average up. Also make sure you are being accurate with exercise calories. I use mine as a guideline to work harder, but like you I eat a set amount every day and don't 'eat back' exercise calories.

    Sorry I know 'be patient' is not the message you probably want to hear.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    No that was perfect thank you
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a male first off lol and it's been around 3 weeks. You honestly made a lot of sence and you gave me some good help. Il be patient and wait it out!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No such thing as a plateau. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. If you arent, then you arent....
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    No such thing as a plateau. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. If you arent, then you arent....

    Ok great