Fitness tracker for kids....

My (almost) 8 year old son out of the blue this morning said he wants a blue fitbit for his wrist. I am all for this but I don't want to break the bank. Any suggestions for one for an 8 year old? I'm guessing he would like to have one that also had a built in watch as well. Thanks in advance.


  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Personally I would not. Not necessary. That is just setting up for neuroses water in life.

    Buy him a nice watch instead so when you kick him outside and say be back at xxx, he comes home in time
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    These look fun >>

    I've been thinking about getting my kids an activity tracker too. They are really into running around and who can do what and longer. Anything that gets the focus off of the tv and on to physical activity is a good thing.