When will it get easier?

So I'm on day 10 of my working to a healthier me. This week I've been much more consistent with my food choices. I've been on the low side with my carbs, which is giving me a little fuzzy head and headache, but I'm handling it. I'm still struggling to find the motivation for exercise, but I'm committed and when I get it done, I feel great!. My muscles are still feeling fatigued the day after working out.

I guess my question would be how long were you working out before it didn't seem like such a chore? About how long did it take for your body to adjust to the exercise?


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eating carbs. Every macro-nutrient has a purpose, and carbs are not inherently evil.

    As to your question, I think it depends on how fit (or unfit) you were beforehand as to how long it takes to adjust. Someone who was very fit previously and then neglected it for awhile will bounce back faster than someone who has never been fit.

    I also think it depends on what types of workouts you are doing.

    For group exercise classes, I typically started feeling better after a couple of weeks.

    For CrossFit, I can tell I'm getting fitter but since the workout changes daily, it never gets easier. I feel strange if I have a day when my muscles are not fatigued in some way.

    Those are my thoughts, for what it's worth! Stick with it!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Rather than changing my eating and exercise level all at once, I focused on diet to start. After a month I added a bit of exercise (walking 3 days a week) and then the next month I added in a bit of strength work. The gradual method made it very easy and I can't remember having any sort of feelings that any of it was a chore.
  • bhay004
    bhay004 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I'm not purposely cutting the carbs. I made out a menu at the beginning of the week that just happened to cut the carbs to about 75g/day. Last week my menu had me around 150g/day. I just chose meals and vegetables that were lower in carbs this week. That'll change again next week.

    I've tried easing into it before and bored easily. I like to challenge myself in every aspect of my life. Challenges keep me going. So my workout plan currently is M, W, Sat I do c25k. Then T, R, Sat I do a version of 5X5 weight training. I know, I know it's a lot to start out with, but I feel accomplished getting it done. I've always been active, but laziness and food have gotten the best of me. Starting last week I was 5'8" and 171lbs. I'm a busy mom of 2 (2 & 5) who have kept me moving, lifting and exhausted the past 5 years! lol
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    I usually start feeling less fatigued after 4 workouts. And you just have to keep going for a month or so then it starts to become habit.
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    I started out obese and very very out of shape. I mean I couldn't even walk upstairs to my bedroom with out struggle. I believe it took me a solid month of being consistent with working out 4-5 days a week and decent eating. It was such an amazing feeling how strong I was becoming. Now I can run a 10k and enjoy lifting. Now, it's not supposed to be "easy" so I do still struggle when pushing myself to the next level. But it's never as hard as when I started. Oh and yes, I'm a carb eater. It's my energy!
    Keep it up!!! You won't regret it :smiley:

  • MikeLeTwigg
    MikeLeTwigg Posts: 162 Member
    There are lots of things you can do to make it seem like less of chore. Mix up your training, set yourself challenges, or even sign up to something to give you a goal.

    But the one thing I would really suggest is find something you enjoy doing. I love cycling, so I started cycling to work every day built up from going the short route of 20Km per day up to 50-60Km per day. I have the biggest smile on my face the whole time (OK maybe not so much when its cold and wet)
  • bhaney10
    bhaney10 Posts: 12 Member
    I have not focused too much on exercise yet, but more on my eating habits (cutting out sugar and tracking my calories and water intake). I have tried to do small things like take extra trips up the stairs at work and running to the mailbox.... But wish I had time to do more. I don't think I'd ever feel like I'd enjoy it though ;). Do you have children? I think my next step will to go on more family walks when it gets warmer out... That sounds fun... And my family would be more active too!
  • bhay004
    bhay004 Posts: 9 Member
    bhaney10 wrote: »
    I have not focused too much on exercise yet, but more on my eating habits (cutting out sugar and tracking my calories and water intake). I have tried to do small things like take extra trips up the stairs at work and running to the mailbox.... But wish I had time to do more. I don't think I'd ever feel like I'd enjoy it though ;). Do you have children? I think my next step will to go on more family walks when it gets warmer out... That sounds fun... And my family would be more active too!

    Yes, I have 2 little ones, 2 and 5. They definitely keep me busy and love to walk when the weather is nice. My day goes like this:
    5am-6am get up and ready for work, bag & lunch packed
    6-6:45am get the kids up fed, dressed, washed, brushed
    6:45 - 7:30 - drop one kid off and commute to work
    7:30-4pm work
    4-4:30p - pick kids up from daycare
    4:30 - 7pm cook dinner, clean kitchen, try to watch some of the news, do homework, give tubbies, put kids to bed

    I have decided that rather than crashing on the couch for the next 2 hours, watching tv that I could commit 30 minutes to be by myself and exercise for my own sanity. It feels good so far. I really need some me time and this is my way of getting it. I have a home gym set up, so I'm watching The Mindy Project while working out, which helps pass the time. :)