do you have a work out buddy?

i love this site because its so encouraging for me but in my life most of the people i love and are friends with are overweight and dont want to work out im up for trying pretty much anything but im the kind of person who likes to try new things with some one else some one with a sense of humor and open postive mind and i cant find anyone like that in my life right now anyone else feel like this?


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I workout at home, but my studio/gym shares a wall with the garage/husband's gym. So sometimes we'll pound on the wall and yell things like "Come on! Push it you %(Q)*!" or "Get some %#*Q(% $(%&#%%!" Loving, encouraging things. In all seriousness, whenever we meet in the kitchen after a workout, we'll talk about our workouts and tell each other if we're sweating enough. It is nice to have someone there to give you praise when you've worked hard and push you when you're slacking. It has to be the RIGHT person though. My stepsister and husband are great workout buddies, my best friend however, was not right for me. We love to annoy each other, so that's what we would do in the gym. Total waste of that membership money. We tried yoga too, but got the giggles when one of us fell over.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I work out with my friend we joined the gym together & I find the mutual motivation is great :happy: However saying that we attend a female only gym & I personally find this helps too. We joined a mixed gym last year & that wasn't for us. I've also been for a couple of sessions on my own & find everyone there very friendly (if you want to chat that is). Plus it's great knowing everyone there is going to work out rather than "hanging around" looking to impress folk :laugh:
  • HeartIcare
    HeartIcare Posts: 52 Member
    Recently joined and love to connect with more buddies, so add me-}