Weight loss with PCOS



  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I have PCOS also. Personally, I've found that I've always been able to lose simply with calories in/calories out. I don't pay much attention to macros, eating only "clean" foods, or low carb or whatever. I gain when I'm not logging/way overeating. I have heard low carb is the way to go with PCOS, but I LOVE carbs and I think that would be extremely difficult if not impossible for me to maintain. I figure if I ever get to a point where nothing else is working, then maybe I'll try low carb. Luckily, that hasn't happened yet. I also workout pretty intensely, but I do "eat back" most of my exercise calories unless I'm truly not hungry (rare for me, haha). I think it also depends on what your goals are. I really just want to get back to a healthy bmi and work on my shape through exercise. I'm looking to be a size 6-8. If I wanted to maintain a size 2, I'd probably have to do a more specific PCOS diet.