Questioning my macro breakdown

Female, 5'1, 168 lbs and not working out.
I'm currently on 1300 cal with 40c/30f/30p.
But I keep getting contradicting advice for the macros. Is 130g of carbs too much for someone not working out? What about 98g of protein, is that too low?


  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited February 2016
    That all depends since individuals respond differently to different macros. I used to have very similar macros (though I think it was 30c/35f/35p) and struggled to lose weight. I have PCOS with insulin resistance so I had to further drop my carbs and up my fats for good results. Your protein might be fine depending on your lean body mass; I'm 5'7" but my LBM is only about 95 lbs so 95 gm of protein is plenty for me. I'm currently on a low carb/high fat/adequate protein diet and it's working wonderfully for me in terms of weight loss and other unexpected health benefits, but again, it's individual; I have MS along with the PCOS with insulin resistance so I follow principles of the Wahls Diet for MS along with recs for PCOS/IR.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Both your carbs AND protein are too high. Shoot for macros of 20/20/60. All will be good!
  • tappleby_14
    tappleby_14 Posts: 9 Member
    Macro goals are different for everyone. And all of the info online can be so overwhelming between salespeople and true info. I would say go with what you have planned and log accurately. And in 2-3 weeks look at it and see what is and isn't working for you. Also personally I believe your calories are too low and will hurt your metabolism. I love my carbs so my carbs are higher. Others thrive on fats and protein! Lastly, you don't have to do a hard or extreme workout out. Just try to be active doing something you enjoy 3-4 times a week. Consistency is key! And helps so much for mind and body. Good luck!!