Why is MyFitnessPal auto-logging my weight?

I weigh myself every day but only check it in to mfp once a week. And I have been losing weight, finally. But I'm finding that it's auto-logging my weight every day as a higher number. So it's like: Wednesday - 179; rest of the week my starting weight, so it looks all jagged. looking at it just annoys me! anyone know why this happens?


  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    Are you logging your weight into a fitness tracker connected to MFP?
  • stang02
    stang02 Posts: 75 Member
    edited February 2016
    Mine has done the same thing! I had to delete some random entries. I don't enter my weight into anywhere else but MFP. I also only weigh myself once a week.
  • coryh00
    coryh00 Posts: 55 Member
    Mine is doing the same thing once or more a week. I don't enter my weight in anything but MFP but it continues to auto add (usually my last weight) which I have to keep deleting (this also causes it to show up in Garmin Connect, and I have to delete it from there as well).
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    The system seems to be very glitchy this week. Mine isn't adjusting my weight, but it's been upping my "Calories Burned" repeatedly throughout the day as though I was changing my activity level every few hours. It's annoying. I have a fitbit, I'm not logging exercise and yet there it goes. My calculator is getting a lot of traffic this week as a result. Not trusting MFP.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Withings scale or another one with bluetooth

    logging your weight into something else you've synched

    I like logging fluctuations as it helps me work out what my body's doing and get less obsessed with minor scale movements (3-5lbs)