
Definitely trying to increase muscle mass and bulk up. Any tips from experienced body builders?


  • adamhendrickson92
    adamhendrickson92 Posts: 29 Member
    i'm not too experienced, but i can at least share what's worked for me. just started bodybuilding last april, and i've gained ~30-35lbs of muscle (bodyfat currently ~9%).

    eat in caloric surplus, with high protein and high carbs especially on training days. make sure you get enough sleep (>7hrs) at night as well. building up strength with compound lifts like squats, bench press, deadlift, overhead press, pullups etc is a good place to start while you learn what you're currently capable of doing. even if you can only do the bar you have to start somewhere. then progressively increase the weight you use and if youre eating enough you'll get stronger and build muscle.

    while training you have to push yourself to the limit consistently, so most importantly know yourself, believe in yourself, and never give up!