Opinions about eating out



  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I don't do much elaborate food prep for lunch. Usually, lean deli meat on light (under 70 calories) whole wheat bread with lettuce. If I'm where there is a microwave, I bring a Healthy Choice microwavable soup. They are lower sodium than the other brands and around 200-300 calories for a container. Plus,I always have fruit -- an apple, banana, or orange -- something portable. I also might throw some bagged salad and grape tomatoes in a plastic container with some chick peas. I always have a supply of plastic forks and spoons at home.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I agree with jane -

    I don't like using the word "healthy" because its meaning varies from person to person. But to the point, it's rare I can't find something on any menu that won't fit into my day. Even the oft-derided McDonalds offers a McDouble and small fry for at little over 600 calories that will serve as a decent meal on a cut.

    If you don't mind starving 2 hours later, sure...

    OP - basically avoid fried food, dressings, and sauces (or ask for those on the side). That's pretty much it.

    Why would you assume I was starving two hours later? That would be entirely an incorrect assumption on your part.

    Yeah...I've gotta agree.

    Maybe some people have that issue -- but I never have.

    Monday's lunch was a junior bacon cheeseburger and kids' chocolate milk at Wendy's. 540 calories (at 11:30 AM) and I wasn't hungry until 6 pm (like usual).

    Today's lunch was a big bowl of homemade split pea soup, an apple, half a banana and some cottage cheese...coming in at 530 calories, at my usual lunchtime, and I wasn't hungry until 6 pm either.

    Makes no difference for me as long as I get the "correct" amount of calories. I notice for weekday lunches if I come in under 400 I get cranky & want to snack in the afternoon, or if it's over 700 I feel sluggish.