New to dieting

Ok so over the last year I have been so completely bad I've ate whatever, not exercised and drank alcohol! I have been out of that whole type of lifestyle for awhile now and have been so disgusted with the weight I've gained due to it so now here I am!
Any ideas as far as what to eat? How much? What's good? What's bad?
Any advice would be much appreciated!!


  • scottsteurer
    scottsteurer Posts: 20 Member
    It depends on the person really. MFP should give you a calorie goal. So that should help you find out how much you CAN eat. As for WHAT to eat. Find some fruits and veggies that you actually enjoy. For instance, I hate broccoli so I wont eat it. But I love carrots. Also, white meat is better than red, but you can still have red every now and then. Whole wheat grains, no white. But also, have a cheat meal every now and then. Extreme diets never work. Listen to your body. It will tell you what you need.