Weightloss newbie

I am completely lost and don't know much about calorie counting and all those nutrition terms lol. Need some guidance and advice on clean eating. Alsooo some options for yummy/fulfilling/healthy breakfast foods lol! Trying to loose 40 pounds.


  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Best way to start is reading the stickies at the top of the forum, especially the newbie forums.

    Best piece of advice out there is get yourself a food scale and use it religiously. Accurate counting/logging is the key to success, especially in the beginning.
  • Angeleyes8634
    Angeleyes8634 Posts: 3 Member
    Clean eating can be hard lol I'm currently doing a 10 day cleanse but still cooking regular food for my family. If you have Facebook there are a ton of clean eating starter groups also. Feel free to add and message me and I'll share with you what I've learned so far
  • imane5imane
    imane5imane Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, i started my journey 6month ago and beeb eating normally and going to gym everyday but the bad news is no weight lost at ALL :'( i started last monday to do a 7 day diet that says that i will lose 5 kgs per week and again no result not even a 1 gramme its seems that im just gaining weight with all of the effort that im making would u please help im desperate
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    First, "clean" eating is not required (particularly because people have differing opinions on what it actually is).

    Second, detoxes are also not required, nor are cleanses. Your body detoxes and cleanses all by itself.
    Hi everyone, i started my journey 6month ago and beeb eating normally and going to gym everyday but the bad news is no weight lost at ALL :'( i started last monday to do a 7 day diet that says that i will lose 5 kgs per week and again no result not even a 1 gramme its seems that im just gaining weight with all of the effort that im making would u please help im desperate

    This?! This is stupid. Losing 5kgs a week is not healthy in any way, shape or form and the only way you're going to do that is by not eating for a week and that's just plain dumb unless your doctor is keeping a strict eye on you and it's for a medical reason. It's also entirely unrealistic. The healthy recommended maximum is 1kg loss per week.

    Weigh everything that goes in your mouth and log it. Hit the number MFP gives you. That's it. That's really how simple it is.

    Please read the sticky threads. I promise they're full of actual information and scamwoo rubbish like cleanses and detoxes have no place there.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    unless youre a heroin addict you dont need detox......

    adjust your expectations and educate yourself by (at the risk of sounding like a broken record) ... reading the stickies. learn to weigh your food. eat less. move more. its not rocket science.
  • Janehds0284
    Janehds0284 Posts: 87 Member
    I also suggest reading those sticky as well. I started off without reading (well I don't like reading!) but after 7 days of logging food I start reading as I want to know more and more and I wish I could read since day1 they are very helpful info.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Clbean eating means nothing. It's about calories. You can lose weight eating nothing but candy (but don't try that for other health reasons).

    Detox and cleasnes are a scam except for drug addicts.

    You have to learn to change your lifestyle permanently. There's no magic bullet and no quick fix.

    It's all eating less than you are using. And you can't create the deficit just through exercise. You can't exercise away eating at a surplus.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hi everyone, i started my journey 6month ago and beeb eating normally and going to gym everyday but the bad news is no weight lost at ALL :'( i started last monday to do a 7 day diet that says that i will lose 5 kgs per week and again no result not even a 1 gramme its seems that im just gaining weight with all of the effort that im making would u please help im desperate
    You aren't eating normally. You have been eating more to compensate for the extra you have been burning. And you are probably overestimating what you are burning.

    The "diet" you mentioned is BS. You are setting yourself up for failure and quitting. read and learn how to do this right.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Hi everyone, i started my journey 6month ago and beeb eating normally and going to gym everyday but the bad news is no weight lost at ALL :'( i started last monday to do a 7 day diet that says that i will lose 5 kgs per week and again no result not even a 1 gramme its seems that im just gaining weight with all of the effort that im making would u please help im desperate

    5 kg (11 lbs) a week? This diet sounds real to you? Ever hear the expression, "If it sounds to good to be true, it is?"

    Please educate yourself on what constitutes healthy, sustainable weight loss.