NSV of sorts and feeling good!

So I wasn't sure where to post this or even if it was worth posting. But I feel like I need to share this. I'm big. Like 5'3" tall and 300lbs big. And I have been for way too long. I've always been way overweight but never quite as big as now. And I used to love riding my bike. I mean, I'm 33 and I was a teenager when I did it. But I loved it. My husband loves bike riding and for years, that's how he got to work. He had slowed down with it, too. Now our whole family is trying to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle. So last year, I went to Montgomery Cycle and bought a nice bike. The whole experience was uncomfortable and I felt that all they must be thinking is "this poor bike. What is this fat girl thinking? She's going to break the bike." Thankfully, they were all very nice to me and never led on to these thoughts. But this is how I feel every day. Very self conscious. So I bought the bike, rode it around a parking lot once, and never rode it again. Until yesterday! My 10 year old son was begging me to go riding with him and although I felt bad about turning him down, I was honestly scared of embarrassing myself. But finally I told myself, 'everything starts with a small step in the right direction. I have to be an example to my kids. I can't keep talking the talk without walking the walk.' And so we went for about 45 minutes. I walked a bit up the hills but overall I enjoyed it. I mean, I really enjoyed it! And it felt so good. Today we went again for another 30 minutes until the rain stopped us. I think I've found my new 'thing.' I think this is the beginning of a beautiful thing. And honestly, as silly as it might sound, I'm proud of myself for just going out there and getting started. Remember, no matter how far behind you might feel, all it takes is determination and to just make the start. :) Thanks for reading!


  • kara2
    kara2 Posts: 83 Member
    I love your story. Half the battle is conquering the voices in our head that say "You can't do this! or what will people think?". Here's three cheers for you" Hurrah, Hurrrah, Hurrah...Way to face a fear". Just think how much fun the rest of the summer will be going on bike rides with your family. Congratulations.