Anyone gain weight after a traumatic event?



    JMLSZ Posts: 65 Member
    JMLSZ wrote: »
    I didn't experience the emotional trauma of an accident, but I had surgery about 6 weeks ago that caused me a lot of physical trauma.

    I think it's perfectly normal to gain weight after trauma. I gained 12 scale pounds while I was in the hospital. Stress hormones alone can really mess with the system, and when you're trying to heal, the body is under a lot of stress. I also believe there is a water weight factor. I was finally given the thumbs up to get back to exercising two weeks ago. I think that was the catalyst to a water shedding event, because I experienced a day or two of constant bathroom runs and lost five pounds, literally, overnight. I'm guessing an excessive water store was responsible for a good portion of that 12 lb gain.

    For the record, I'm not discounting the effects of emotional trauma either. When I lost a family member, I plateaued for almost three months, despite being spot on nutritionally the entire time. When I started really working through my grief, I started losing again.

    Yes, for sure about the stress hormones. I think accidents are so bad because you have all different kinds of trauma at the same time, and have to try to rebuild physically without much emotional strength, and emotionally without much physical strength...not easy.

    Are you doing physical therapy now, or are you allowed to do any kind of exercise as you normally would?

    I'm allowed to do anything that doesn't put undue stress on my abdomen (I have another month on that). So, cardio of any sort, arms, legs, and very light core workouts. My trainer has me on a "step up" program until I get back up to speed, which is awesome. I should be back to my old routine in a couple of months.

    I posted on my MFP newsfeed about it because I was so frustrated about the set back. The response from everyone was overwhelmingly: "GIVE YOURSELF TIME" and "DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF". In retrospect, that was the best advice they could've offered.

    That's so good - it sounds like you have a great trainer. I'm glad you got good advice here!
    JMLSZ Posts: 65 Member
    I am so sorry you were involved in an accident and are suffering from it. You are not alone, trauma of any kind does serious damage to you physically and psychologically. Take the time you need to focus on yourself and rebuild your strength and endurance. Be kind and have patience with yourself as you work towards your goals. I know i have to remind myself daily that patience, persistence and being gentle with myself are necessary to succeed. I gained 30lbs over the past year as I battled and beat breast cancer and a terribly abusive relationship at the same time. With the support of loving family and friends anything is possible! Best wishes on a full recovery and absolutely CRUSHING all of the goals you set for yourself!!!!!!

    Thanks, red. I think I should congratulate you for the battles you've won this year - I can't imagine going through those things simultaneously. Thanks for the encouragement!