Losing weight

jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
edited February 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
So I know weight loss is a process and it takes time. I went from 245lbs to 195lb! It's been a little over 4 months and I'm happy with my progress so far but I feel I'm having a problem. One thing that really has help me so much was watching calories. I use this app everyday and log in everything! But I feel like for the last few weeks it's been rough just to lose pound. I make sure I log in all my meals and most are simple, my protein shakes, name brand meals that they have listed so I know or feel I track very well and even weigh my foods. My problem, last week Monday through Saturday I went to the gym, burned 400 calories a day, and only ate 1500 calories a day. And I don't no, maybe it's because I didn't use the bathroom much or I drank a lot of water but Monday I was 197, Thursday I was 191 and today 197 again. I know it can't be all fat but I'm just upset because I am watching calories and the gyms a second home. What can I do to break this and go to the 180s. Thanks for any help


  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Stop being impatient. You aren't going to lose weight every week. Focus on long-term trends, not day-to-day fluctuations.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    the 191 was a fluke would be my guess. And you are saying as 28 year old male, you're basically eating 1100 net?
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    water/waste fluctuations. Frustrating for sure, maybe just set 1 day a week to weigh in, in the morning after using the bathroom and before eating.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    Yea mirror less I eat 1000 a day after losing from gym
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    Surely weigh myself less
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    You are under eating. A man should net a minimum of 1500 a day, not gross.
    If you are burning 500 through exercise eat back 250-350.
    Reading this and the other thread you have going indicates you are in too much of a rush.
    Slow down and expect to lose 1lbs a week in a healthy manner.
    Right now, eventhough you are going to the gym you are probably losing more muscle than, needed because you are under eating.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates, quit obsessing and get a healthier attitude towards weight loss and lifestyle changes.

    Cheers, h.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    You are under eating. A man should net a minimum of 1500 a day, not gross.
    If you are burning 500 through exercise eat back 250-350.
    Reading this and the other thread you have going indicates you are in too much of a rush.
    Slow down and expect to lose 1lbs a week in a healthy manner.
    Right now, eventhough you are going to the gym you are probably losing more muscle than, needed because you are under eating.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates, quit obsessing and get a healthier attitude towards weight loss and lifestyle changes.

    Cheers, h.

    I really appreciate all your advise but wait can you really under eat?
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    You are under eating. A man should net a minimum of 1500 a day, not gross.
    If you are burning 500 through exercise eat back 250-350.
    Reading this and the other thread you have going indicates you are in too much of a rush.
    Slow down and expect to lose 1lbs a week in a healthy manner.
    Right now, eventhough you are going to the gym you are probably losing more muscle than, needed because you are under eating.

    Everyone's weight fluctuates, quit obsessing and get a healthier attitude towards weight loss and lifestyle changes.

    Cheers, h.

    I really appreciate all your advise but wait can you really under eat?

    Yes you can, IDK if you are or not, but under eating can cause your body to eat muscle and fat. That said I lost 2lbs a week or more throughout my weightloss journey, I have had to work really hard to get that muscle back, had I a chance to do it all over, I would have lifted weights much more and focused on only loosing a single pound or two max per week.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Yes you can under eat.

    If you are not getting adequate nutrition your body will start using your muscle for an energy source even if you are eating protein and working out. It can only burn so much fat in one day, so if food is lacking it will burn muscle. You could end up with little strength and poor visible body composition.

    It is more difficult, even for a man, to re- build muscle rather than retain muscle through food and exercise while losing weight.

    That is one of the reasons a slower weigh loss is often advised.

    Your hair will become brittle and may fall out, your nails will break easier, your skin will become dull and blotchy, and eventually your health and organs will become compromised.

    Mood swings, poor cognitive skills, depression, and exhaustion can also happen.

    This may not be immediately apparent but can often be a long term consequence.

    Cheers, h.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    That was great advice. Ok what would you think a good calorie diet should be, mind I work out Monday through Saturday