
I am starting a new job on Monday and a bit stressed. I find myself carbing out during night hours. I gained almost 5lbs and so upset. I know it's because it's a life changing event and the stress is normal. I am trying to get back on track.


  • jrek521
    jrek521 Posts: 25 Member
    I always say that tomorrow is a do-over day. You can get back on track! Life is stressful (and will continue to be at times) so this is the point where you decide if you'll have this be a 5 pound setback or more. As much as I try to avoid stress, sometimes it's better for me to focus on that stress/fear/dread/nervousness/etc. and consciously deal with it in a non-food way--call a friend, workout, journal, meditate, window-shop at the mall, drink herbal tea, or whatever works for you. Good luck with your new job!