Fitbit to buy or not to buy?

Is it really worth it to get a fitbit? I already track most workouts and meals on here, but I know that it isn't always accurate. SO anyone pro fitbit or against it? Or is there something out there that works better or is the same and cheaper????


  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    edited February 2016
    I love my FitBit. i had the One for two years and after it went through the wash I got the Charge HR.
    I think it depends on "you" as to whether or not it's worth it. I'm a data person and I don't like to "lose". If I have 500 steps left at 11:45 PM, I am walking around the house to get them.

    I also find myself parking further away, and just in general moving more so I can get my steps. I love being able to track my sleep too.
    When I first got my One I was gobsmacked at how little I moved each day. There are others out now, but three years ago FitBit was the only one the integrated with all of my other stuff, phone MFP etc. so I just stay with them.

    All that being said. My main exercise is walking the dogs, pilates and Barre. It doesn't work for crossfit, HIIT or weight lifting.
  • martinmommy
    martinmommy Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks! That was super helpful÷
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    One thing, if you do get one, down load the DriveBit app. I turn that on whenever I am in a car/bus/plane as a driver or passenger (you can change it). It automatically changes any steps during that time into a "driving activity" and logs it as such. Otherwise I'd have 25,000 steps a day since i drive a manual up and down a mountain ;-)
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I have a fit bit and I love it!! I love to track, compare and see progress. Or ways to improve. I have a desk job and wearing the fitbit gets me to love more during the day. It's also helped me stay more active on MFP with logging food. Before investing in mine I used an app to track my steps...which was great except for the fact I almost never have my phone with I started a fitbit fund to make me earn it.

    P.S. I'm gonna download the drive bit app. Thanks!!
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    I have a Charge HR - I use it for "timed sessions" - when doing P90x3, 21 Day Fix or just running on the treadmill I start a timed session. This tracks my heart rate among other things during the session. Once done, I stop the session. When I sync it, I have an approximate count of calories based on my heart rate during the session. I can then add the session to MyFitnessPal with a reasonably approximate calorie count.

    I plan to start running this Spring (once the weather breaks) and I might consider a Surge (for the GPS). I have only had Fitbits so I can't compare but the HR does exactly what I want from it...
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    mmteixeira wrote: »
    I plan to start running this Spring (once the weather breaks) and I might consider a Surge (for the GPS). I have only had Fitbits so I can't compare but the HR does exactly what I want from it...

    They're getting ready to come out with the Blaze. Does what the Surge does. maybe a bit more, but the bands can be changed, so it at least looks a little better
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    The last thing, promise ...
    I enter food into MFP and activity into FitBit. and let the two programs sync and calculate as they will.

    FitBits food database is not great and often tells youto eat less than 1200 calories and MFP is known to over state the calories burned while working out. I just let each program do what it's best at.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I love mine. Currently wearing the Flex (had the Force till it died) also wear version one of Garmin's Vivofit.
    I'm waiting for the release of the Fitbit Alta next month.

    Check out
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I got one for Mother's Day 2.5 years ago. It made me realize how few steps I was getting in, so I'd get home from work and get myself moving. It really helped get me into the habit of moving more. Now, however, I don't need it. I move without it. If you're already fit, or you've already got a routine, what will it add for you? I work out hard enough to sleep well, so I don't need it for that. Figure out what you want it for.
  • martinmommy
    martinmommy Posts: 22 Member
    I think I am going to go ahead and get a fitbit! I want a more realistic idea of how many calories I burn in a day!
  • LCbaby0x
    LCbaby0x Posts: 290 Member
    I absolutely love it
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    kuranda10 wrote: »
    mmteixeira wrote: »
    I plan to start running this Spring (once the weather breaks) and I might consider a Surge (for the GPS). I have only had Fitbits so I can't compare but the HR does exactly what I want from it...

    They're getting ready to come out with the Blaze. Does what the Surge does. maybe a bit more, but the bands can be changed, so it at least looks a little better

    But the Blaze does not have built in GPS and the Surge does. In the end, I will probably end up getting a Blaze and pair it with my iPhone and use MapMyRun...
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    There's lots of different trackers, it doesn't have to be a Fitbit. Shop around, read reviews, find the best fit for you.
  • isabcas
    isabcas Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2016
    we love ours, really gives you an idea of how much activity vs calorie intake counts
    if you like tech toys like me, its even more fun

    there are others, i actually like the Fitbit One because it is hidden and won't clash with jewelry.
    Only drawback doesn't' play nice with Apple Health
  • jeanniea25
    jeanniea25 Posts: 7 Member
    I run a 3 mile stretch and it was telling me I went 4 miles it was always off. I bought a polar m400 and love it. It does biking running hiking and walking
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I use this one, paid less than $20 for it.

    I have a fit bit that was a gift, and I don't like it nearly as much as the mifit.
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm planning on getting the microsoft band 2 on payday.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    edited February 2016
    im ambivalent about it. I want to keep it until after my vacation in june, because all i do is walk everywhere there (small island), but once I get back I will likely sell it.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I love mine. I don't think it's 100% accurate by any means but it gives you a good idea of what you're doing in a day and it pushes you to be more active. I agree with whoever said they park farther away, take the stairs, etc....I find myself doing that too trying to hit my daily goals! The challenges are fun too!
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Fitness trackers (Fitbit) are great for people with OCD tendencies but not necessary. :)

    It can be a helpful motivator having a nanny on your wrist if you are into the kind of thing.