Over snacking/eating



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    No way you could have gained 5 pound in one week, well, at least it's not very likely that you've eaten 2200 calories over maintenance every day. Weight fluctuates, often for no good reason. Snack if you want to, but remember to include everything you eat in your calorie budget. Or you can quit snacking. I don't snack. We all love food. We just have to stop eating too much. A great way to make hitting calorie goals easier, is to prelog your day.
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    Someone else mentioned choices. This is huge for me. Whenever I want to snack (particularly if it is something very caloric), I stop and think and make a conscious choice. Whether I eat the snack or not is entirely dependent of me choosing it. Taking responsibility for your snacking rather than allowing yourself to do it mindlessly can be very empowering. You may be surprised by how many times you choose not to snack once you start making it more deliberate.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    I snacked myself into a 36 pound weight gain that I'm working on taking back off.

    What works for me is small frequent meals, building in calories for an after dinner snack, and only keeping better snacks "handy".

    There is plenty of junk in my house...I don't live alone. There are potato chips and tortilla chips on top of the fridge, boxes of crackers, packages of cookies, ice cream in the freezer...a target rich environment you could say.

    But in my bedroom where I usually go to read after my daughter goes to bed there is low cal popcorn and raw almonds.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    One thing I do is make a huge bowl of salad to munch on. When you use veggies that are mostly water (like lettuce, cucumber, tomato), you can eat a lot of them at one time for very low calories.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    I love snacks my self, but you need to be aware why you're eating them. Are you hungry, or are you just bored? If you're bored find something to keep you busy, something you really enjoy.
    If you're hungry stick to fruits and veggies mostly, and control your portions. For example, take out your portion, and leave the rest in the kitchen, or put it away.
    Bottom line, if you can't stop snacking lower your main meals calories, and leave more for snacks.
  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    Just don't buy any more snacks after you eat them. No snacks = no snacking haha
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    I think for a lot of us we have trained our minds to think of food when we watch TV. How many of us watch TV while eating a meal? I for one can not go to the movie theater without getting a big order of popcorn. So what do I do....I don't go to the movies anymore. Is it possible to retrain our minds? I think the answer is yes, but not sure how to go about it other than what I have done with the popcorn situation by completely removing the temptation. So far I know I am not strong enough to try out this theory.