Ready to shed some pounds *kitten*

Hi guys today was my 1stday back to working out. I'm looking forward to this change with my body! I've followed a couple ppl on YouTube and there transformation was unbelievable. I've always felt like I wasn't meant to do anything on this planet but play sports! Over the last couple years life set in and that life of being an athlete left out the door. Today is a new beginning to achieve somethings I didn't do yesterday and everyday is just another opportunity to *kitten* GET IT! I hope you guys enjoy this journey as much as I will!


  • Tessmorin
    Tessmorin Posts: 3 Member
    I try to go to the gym. I like it. However once I get home I find other things to do.I need to be dedicated. I want to loose 20th pounds by April. I am getting married and want to look good. Most of all I want be healthy. Would love to have some fitness pals to to get motivated with.