What I Learned from MyFitnessPal since May 2014

As I reflect on my time spent trying to gain control of my fitness, and finally see changes, I thought I would share with the Community! My first log in on MyFitnessPal was in May, 2014. Since then, I have learned:

1. If you diligently log in what you're eating, MFP is a wake-up call.

Who knew how much sugar, carbohydrates, and excess calories were going into my body if everyone around me was consuming the same? "I thought I was healthy?" Well you thought wrong!

2. If you log into MFP daily, food logging becomes habit.

. . . And the habit of logging helps establish healthy eating habits, and refrain from binge eating, because you are LITERALLY seeing what you put in your mouth during a single day's work. (By the way, a small Sonic Blast has 900 calories).

3. It takes time to figure out what works best for you, and MFP can track your journey!

I thought going to a cardio class, a light run here and there, and yoga twice a week was enough to shed the pounds. Spoiler alert: It was not. I've lost 12 pounds on MFP since May 2014, and it is because I quit settling for the one work out a day, and started working out twice a day. It's all about ROUTINE. Instead of being the two classes a week guy or girl, be the two-a-day gym goer. Lift every single day. Push yourself to rise above the mediocre fitness pals and run 4 miles instead of 1. You will be amazed at what your body can do, and the time that appears when you *make* time. God blesses those that work, so start working out your body today! Praying that you can make time to take care of yourself — it's the most important thing you will do!

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