pregnancy at home exercises to lose excess fat?

just entered my 2nd trimester & i noticed i'm gaining a good amount of unnecessary fat all over my body?
mostly my thighs & torso (aside from the baby belly).

any good exercises i can do at home with no equipment to reverse the junk food cravings (that are thankfully over) damage?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How much weight have you gained so far?
  • niamibunni
    niamibunni Posts: 110 Member
    Diary of a Fit Mommy website and her Facebook both have a lot of nutrition info and workout videos that are great.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Exercise is for fitness and health. Calorie deficit is for exercise. One can't spot exercise an area to reduce it.
    Most females who get pregnant eat way more than the 250-300 calories more they need a day. Try just reducing your overall intake if it's too high.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    No. Just, no. Of course it's fine to exercise when pregnant but doctors will usually advise you to keep to the same level of whatever you've been doing (ie: not more strenuous). Furthermore, there are no exercises that, by themselves, will help you lose fat; it comes to burning more calories than you take in. I don't know if that's something you want to attempt to mess with right now, since doing it wrong could deprive your child of nutrients... The best thing you can do is eat healthier. As to exercise, I'd say yoga (within reason), or talking walks when the weather is okay. All of what I just said is moot though, if you are like I was, at the end of my second, gaining 20 pounds of water weight from toxemia. IMO, just make good food choices and when the baby comes, if you nurse , trust me, the pounds melt off as long as you aren't overeating.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How about just stop eating too much and gain less weight for the rest of your pregnancy?
  • heyxbecca
    heyxbecca Posts: 6 Member
    How much weight have you gained so far?

    im 13+ weeks & i've gained around 10lbs already. but it definitely looks like more.
  • heyxbecca
    heyxbecca Posts: 6 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    How about just stop eating too much and gain less weight for the rest of your pregnancy?

    i'm actually eating extremely healthy again now that my cravings for bad things are gone, thanks!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are going to control the weight gain by limiting what you eat. If you are gaining faster than ideal, which sounds like the case, then you are eating too much. Even if it is too much of good things. If you have already changed this, and know you are not overeating (regardless of quality of food), then things will gradually even out.
    It is not a good idea to start a new exercise routine during pregnancy, unless it is something easy on your body, and ideally with some coaching. You can walk, and this something usually many drs recommend (at a comfortable pace, and gradually increasing distance, do not try walking for 2 hours if you have never been into walking before), swimming or a water-based class, try yoga.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 178 Member
    It may not be fat you are gaining. I gained about 30lb of water weight when I was pregnant with my three month old. All that weight went away about two weeks after I had my baby. I weight trained, circuit trained, walked, ran till 21 weeks, and did prenatal Pilates. Here is the link for the Pilates video I did.

    Hope this helps. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  • Amalthea8284
    Amalthea8284 Posts: 49 Member
    I think the first thing you ought to do is change your attitude about what you've already gained. Ten pounds in the first trimester is really not that far off from the recommended amount (four to six). I completely understand wanting to limit fat gain during pregnancy, you must understand that your body does need to store some (they say five to ten pounds) fat during pregnancy.

    That said, the one thing did to prevent extra weight gain was to use my ellictical evey day for an hour! I did not go from doing nothing to an hour in one day, though. There is nothing magical about the machine. If you walk briskly for an hour every day, I think you will find you have a much easier pregnancy, labor, and recovery. Congratulations!