Working out in the morning

Hey y'all,

I figured this would be the right sub-forum to post this in but I had a quick question about going to the gym in the morning.

For those of you who do it, how do you like it and how do you manage your time to make sure you get a good workout in but still get to your job on time? I am heavily considering working out in the morning rather then after work because I feel less motivated to hit the gym after working all day. Not only that but factoring in leaving my job, commute to the gym, workout, and then continue on home I would be walking through the door well after 7 on most nights. With working out in the morning I feel like I'll be able to get it over with first thing so that way I can get home at a decent hour at the end of the day. My gym has the full locker room facilities with showers, sinks, etc. so I won't need to run home after my morning workout to shower and change.

I know a lot of this has to do with personal preference but I just wanted to see how those of you who workout in the morning have established your routine. I think my biggest concern right now is what to do for breakfast. The last thing I want to do is get into the habit of stopping for fast food breakfast and coffee on the way to the office.

I appreciate y'alls help in advance.


  • ladyj22
    ladyj22 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! I have been working out in the mornings before work for almost two years. I love it! I give myself two hours from when I leave my house. Before I go to the gym I eat a granola bar or something light. After my workout I'll usually have a peanut butter sandwich. Working out first thing in the morning is the best!
  • ramskermfc
    ramskermfc Posts: 41 Member
    edited February 2016
    I've been doing 5am workouts for the last several years . . . it works out extremely well for me. The benefits just far outweigh the downsides. Gym is less busy so you can pretty much do what you want; you get the workout out of the way and so nothing "just comes up" to get in the way (very rarely anyway); gives you good energy for the day; provides for family time later because you worked out while they were all sleeping; etc.

    I'm not a morning person at all . . . well, at least I WASN'T. But I kind of just forced myself into it and really enjoyed it. I used to set 2 alarms--one by the bed and one in the bathroom so I had to get out of bed to turn it off. Once I was up, I was up and just made the gym happen.

    I can't eat real food that early and workout. Especially heavy lifting . . . makes be want to hurl. I have a pre-workout shake and that does the trick. Then I just eat a good breakfast within an hour or so of the workout. I work from home now, but when I was going to the office, I just packed something the night before and then at it at my desk.
  • wrighty11146
    wrighty11146 Posts: 74 Member
    I do it, wake up at 5:45 and hav a coffee and small bowl of porridge, then at the gym for 7. Work 9-5 and hav the rest of the evening,

    Gym is super quiet and I feel charged for the day ahead
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    always leave yourself extra time in the morning, especially the first few times, to shower, change, and head to work.

    as far as food goes, you just need to pack more food with you. invest in a cooler lunch bag, probably one big enough to take breakfast, lunch, and your protein shake with you. pack it all the night before. some great quick and healthy breakfasts that are easy to transport are a pb & j, oatmeal (you can make it in bulk and ration it out in plastic containers), fruit, yogurt, a bagel, or any number of things. i've been making these muffins at home and they're only about 250 calories each. one recipe makes enough muffins for two weeks.

    personally, i'll get dressed and have a cup of coffee and a banana on the drive to gym. after the gym i have my protein shake in the car on my way to work. a little later i'll have another cup of coffee and my muffin or oatmeal or whatever.
  • sbowyer0718
    sbowyer0718 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for y'alls inputs and advice. I like the idea of keeping breakfast relatively small whether that be a banana, granola bar, yogurt, etc. I generally pack myself a lunch so it wouldn't be a big deal to throw something in for breakfast as well.
  • mandyrene21
    mandyrene21 Posts: 215 Member
    I work out in the mornings before work. My gym is within walking distance to my work so I park and walk over, get my workout in (about an hour or so), shower, then walk back to work.

    I usually have a banana before working out then have Greek yogurt or boiled eggs after. I also pack my lunch so I just throw extra for breakfast.

    I absolutely love working out before work! The gym is so empty and I feel accomplished and energized.