I Feel Like I'll Always be Gross and Disgusting

I started my weight loss journey in January of 2014, weighing ~180 lbs. I wanted to reach 120 lbs.
It is now February of 2016, and I weight 124.2 lbs (as of today).... I feel like a complete failure. Yes, I've lost a lot of weight.... i should be proud. and part of me IS proud. I'm proud I've lost ALL the weight I gained in college (I was 128 when i started). But it shouldn't have taken this long.... and I haven't even reached my actual goal yet. And even though i haven't reached that goal yet, I've come up with another one... I want to weigh 115 lbs. At most.

I feel so disgusting. I hear people complaining about America being full of disgusting overweight and obese people.... and I'm one of them. I struggle between 122 lbs - 128 lbs constantly... it's ridiculous how much I fluctuate. My bmi is a struggle between 23.9-24.9 .... my measurements are 42/31.5/36 (B/W/H). I... am... disgusting.

Wanting to be a healthy weight, and wanting to be beautiful is destroying me. On days I gain a pound (despite knowing that weight fluctuates like a mother f*cka), I cry and get suicidal... it ruins my day. I can hardly handle eating more than one meal a day.... eating two is like a miracle. I hardly snack. And it isn't b/c "Omg you're starving yourself"... it is literally b/c I get nauseous and sick literally after every time I eat. Yet I gain so much weight so easily. And on days where i think I look slim and pretty, feeling good, I am easily destroyed when I see someone who is either genetically skinny (I won't lie, of course I'm an envious b*tch) or those who are disgustingly obese (go ahead, call me horrible...); I'm either "not nearly as pretty as them" or worry that I'm "just like them". When people tell me I look like a "normal" weight, I have to hold back tears... b/c the "normal" American is overweight.

I will always be fat. I will always be flabby. I don't understand why these last few pounds refuse to come off. I'm generally healthy. But I want to be beautiful. I don't want to be "thick" anymore. I dont' want to be "fat" anymore. I dont' want to be on the edge of "normal" and "overweight" anymore.....

But I feel like there is no hope.


  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I feel somewhat like this on my worst days, too, that I'll always be flabby and disgusting looking. You probably don't need to lose weight to look closer to your ideal and rather need to gain some muscle. I find it easiest to calm my anxiety when I focus on my plan for dealing with my current grievances.

    I really think you should try to see a therapist for some of this, though, particularly the "get suicidal" part because that's beyond regular dieting/fitness concerns.
  • Andrewcpimpin
    Andrewcpimpin Posts: 124 Member
    I recommend a counselor. Got to find the root of your self image issues. You are very pretty and I am sure you have a great body but others can say that all day but if you don't believe them it's mute.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Of course you should be proud of yourself. You set a goal for yourself and almost reached it. And obviously every step you took was in the right direction. Losing 60lbs in a year is a very healthy, steady process.

    Please talk to someone ... because the combination of "I cry and get suicidal" and "I feel like there is no hope" really sets off some alarms.

    There are more important things in your life than your weight. Especially since you are already in a "healthy" zone and your weight doesnt affect your health.

    I would be very sad if I couldn't enjoy food anymore. I love food. I just try to eat less and stay hungry :)

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited February 2016
    1. You lost the weight. Who cares how long it took?
    2. Wow, are you being hard on yourself.
    3. You've accomplished a lot.
    4. Weight loss is seldom everything we dream it will be.
    5. You need to learn how to talk to yourself nice. Start small. Like, telling yourself, "Good job!" the next time you accomplish even a minor goal.
    6. Being this hard on yourself won't get you what you want, and even if you do reach your goal, if you don't change the way you're thinking, you won't get any pleasure out of it.
    7. (((hugs)))
    ETA: after rereading the OP, it actually sounds a bit more serious than I first perceived. All of the above may be true, but it looks to me like you might want to speak to a professional, before you go down a really dangerous path, and/or hurt yourself.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I recommend a counselor. Got to find the root of your self image issues. You are very pretty and I am sure you have a great body but others can say that all day but if you don't believe them it's mute.

    I agree with this
    This goes beyond your weight
    You should be proud of what to you have accomplished.
    Take care x
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    You are not healthy. You want someone to agree that you are fat or gross or ugly. I will not agree to that but I will say your self image could use some work. You need a professional to help you. You are saying all the right things to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. Maybe you are testing MFP to see if we will notice.

    We have. Your troubles are more than can be handled by a bunch of well-meaning strangers on the internet.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    edited February 2016
    Curious. How tall are you ?
  • TasteofEnvy
    TasteofEnvy Posts: 123 Member
    Curious. How tall are you ?
    5'.5" (yes that point five matters to me ha-ha)
  • TasteofEnvy
    TasteofEnvy Posts: 123 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    You are not healthy. You want someone to agree that you are fat or gross or ugly. I will not agree to that but I will say your self image could use some work. You need a professional to help you. You are saying all the right things to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. Maybe you are testing MFP to see if we will notice.

    We have. Your troubles are more than can be handled by a bunch of well-meaning strangers on the internet.
    I'm not "testing" anyone or begging for attention. This is the motivation and support forums. I'm looking for motivation or helpful ways to stop feeling this way and maybe some advice on how to lose the last few pounds. I don't have an eating isorder.... I don't purposely starve myself, and I don't binge and purge. I will admit to having things like depression, anxiety, and low self esteem.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    You'll discover a one-on-one with a therapist / counselor is sooooo much better than what we can offer.

    Please make an appointment today.

    We all wish you well .
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You need to love yourself regardless of your weight or you will never be happy.

    I second seeing someone to talk about your feelings
  • nutellacoma
    nutellacoma Posts: 5 Member
    You aren't fat! Your BMI is on the upper end of 'normal', which is the very definition of NOT being fat. It is your mental health that you need to be focusing on right now hun, not the physical, imho. If you aren't currently being treated to help manage your depression and anxiety, you need to look into it. There is no shame in seeking help, whether that is through medication, therapy or a combination of both.

    However, I also think you could look into strength training to assist in making you feel better about your body. Once you see how strong and powerful the body you have is, you may just start feeling better about it. I am at the beginning of my journey and still feel a lot of the things you expressed in your OP. However, when I lift 220 pounds in a deadlift I feel like a machine and it allows me to be proud of one thing about my body - it's strength.

    Please look into getting some help to work on your mental well being x
  • wow_geillis
    wow_geillis Posts: 6 Member
    you look fine, and great and beautiful just the way you are! you have worked hard and your goals are sooo close, and no way are you obese, not even close to it. And I cant imagine, that you would look bad at all---gross and disgusting at 124 pounds? I dont think so! I think you need to talk to a conselor to help gain some more positive body images in your mind. Hun, you don't become gross and disgusting until you are in my position---highest weight was almost 500 pounds, currently down to almost 300 hundred pounds, with 130 more to go---you haven't seen gross and disgusting until you're literally wearing a skin that is 10 sizes too big and hanging in folds everywhere :( but every time I look in the mirror I focus on the progress I have made and how far I have come!!!!---never give up!! keep your goal in sight!!! love yourself and, remember to eat right :) And please consider talking to someone.
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    Are you seeing a counsellor for the other things you wrote (anxiety, low self-esteem and depression)? If not, you should right away and you should be as communicative as you can about these issues and thoughts. I do not think anyone here is qualified to help you. Please take care of yourself.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    The way you see yourself and the way you manage your emotions is clearly very distorted. I would second those who said you should consider counselling or psychotherapy. I fear that the way you view yourself will not be addressed by merely changing the outside. The extra few pounds off will not miraculously make you love yourself. Make as much effort with your mental health as you do with your weightloss and you might find you will naturally feel less self-critical and self destructive.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    edited February 2016
    Please see a professional

  • LexiLuLexi
    LexiLuLexi Posts: 12 Member
    I'm going to recommend a brilliant book by Linda Bacon, called Health At Every Size.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    You need to love yourself regardless of your weight or you will never be happy.

    I second seeing someone to talk about your feelings

    I third this. You will never be happy with your weight no matter what it is, as long as you don't like yourself. And regardless of what you think, if you regard yourself as obese at 124 pounds, you are not looking at yourself in a real and healthy way. Talk to someone, how sad to be so miserable in your own skin.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Get help hon. It's the best investment you'll ever make in yourself.
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    You are not healthy. You want someone to agree that you are fat or gross or ugly. I will not agree to that but I will say your self image could use some work. You need a professional to help you. You are saying all the right things to be diagnosed with an eating disorder. Maybe you are testing MFP to see if we will notice.

    We have. Your troubles are more than can be handled by a bunch of well-meaning strangers on the internet.

    This. I agree this goes beyond what anyone can tell you here. I do wish you luck and hope you can learn to love yourself. That's one of the most important aspects of life.